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06-16-99 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-16-99 CCM
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rebuilt; repeal PF zone as it is now; eliminate limitation to size... 15 acres has been arbitrary all along; and <br />upgrade the noise, signage, lighting regulations to take into consideration what might come in. <br />Planner Dillerud felt the difficult part would be drafting an ordinance, but is doable, because the OP <br />standards in RR and AG don't differ from the conventional standards. In those cases that differ, you want <br />to use the OP standards. OP standards are residentially focused. The CUP will be a semi -structured <br />process rather than be an open ended CUP process. <br />Attorney Filla stated he would be in favor of extending a PF moratorium to allow time for Planning <br />Commission and Council review of the draft ordinance and to hold public hearings. <br />Attorney Peter Beck stated the discussion has great merit, good approach, and a good idea to include <br />specific standards for particular CUP'S. He looks forward to working with the City. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Siedow — to direct staff to bring to the Council a draft of the PF Ordinance incorporating <br />the new ideas discussed at this Council meeting and review time line and structure revision to PF <br />moratorium accordingly. Extension of the moratorium will be placed on the July 6`h Council agenda. <br />(Motion passed 4-0). <br />B. Building Department Report, May, 1999 <br />Jim McNamara, Building Official, reported he now has a full month of reliable data in the new Inspection <br />System. While the backup data has been loaded to the first of the year, die format of the historic paper <br />records does not coordinate well with system requirements. (We now have new Building Permit <br />periodic basis. The Council will be provided monthly reports regarding permit volume and <br />Application Forms that do.) The Council received several reports that the system will generate on a <br />reven <br />unless directed otherwise. ues, <br />Planner Dillerud reported that the Intel AnyPoint Network System (purchased on trial) has been tested. It <br />appears that the system will give the City exactly what we believed it would. Following the June 15 water <br />billing, the system will be installed at three workstations (Jim, Diane, and Cindy) and tested again. We will <br />have the ability with this system to maintain and query the Permit System from four workstations, thereby <br />providing better service to customers and internal efficiency. <br />9. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />A. Amendment to Manufactured Home Park Closing Ordinance <br />At the June Is` Council meeting, the Council directed the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance amendment <br />to Payment of Additional Compensation to the Manufactured Home Parks Closing Ordinance for the June <br />16°i Council meeting. Attorney Filla provided a draft ordinance which is in compliance with state <br />regulations and acceptable to homeowners and the Park Owner. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong — to adopt Ordinance No. 9745, An Ordinance relating to Manufactured Home <br />Parks as described by the City Attorney in the text that was provided. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />MPCA Communication regarding the Kern Center: <br />Attorney Filla reported on communication received from MPCA stating when they were provided the <br />application, the engineering data that was presented with it was accurate. The Stillwater treatment facility <br />has the capacity to handle the number of gallons per day that the application stated. at far a the MPCA is <br />concerned, the technical information is correct. What wasn't correct was the communication from the Met <br />Council to MPCA stating this application was consistent with the MUSA line regulations. In the letter, it Center, they <br />was indicated that even if they had known the MUSA was not extended to cover the Kern n <br />would have approved the permit because the downstream facility is adequate to take care <br />10. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 16, 1999 A <br />
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