Laserfiche WebLink
<br />e <br /> <br />_.~ ;-- <br />"",," <br /> <br />." <br />..~.. . <br /> <br />'~;,f . <br /> <br />',.. <br />- <br /> <br />." .. :.~t: <br /> <br />.".f <br /> <br />:.:.~ <br /> <br />39.07 <br /> <br />",,;,d~ <br />. ..,....."'t!~ <br />:. ",:~: "~:~:~j <br /> <br />dental death to <lnj. one person, and subject to thc.5umc..l1mi tfor <br />each person, in an amount not less than $~ggTgggTgg$500,009.0b on' <br />account of anyone accident, and property insurance in the amounl <br />of not less than $50,000.00. <br /> <br />;':j.i <br /> <br />};~ <br /> <br />'. .....>.;) <br /> <br />,~,;-:.<l~ <br />" "'I <br />:::1 <br /> <br />39.09 Duration of License. Licensc~ sh~ll be issued on an <br />annual basis, with the license year running from July Ithroug~th~ ~; <br />following June 30th. <br /> <br />39.09 . i\Pplica tion for Permi ts. Appl.1ca tion for permi ts shall:.' <br />be made upon forms-provided by the Clerk-Administrator and shall <br />include the following information: <br /> <br />> , <br />I <br /> <br />~;,{j <br />" ,', -"j <br />',,", .. ''''1 <br />" 'I <br />''-''1 <br /> <br />" .," :-';\"::1 <br /> <br />. . '"." :'. ~:-.' <br />.' .~.. . ". :'~::". <br /> <br /> <br />(1) The name, address and telephone number of thc applicant. <br /> <br />(2) The location of thc building, structure or lot to which, <br />upon which, the sign is to bc placed. <br /> <br />or <br /> <br />(3) The position of the sign or other advertising structure,: in <br />relation to nearby buildings, structuresand streets or highways::if " <br />necessary. <br /> <br />(4) Two bl11eprints or ink dravliJ1gs of the olans c\nd specifications <br />and method of construction 2,d attachment to the building or grdundi, <br /> <br />. .~~;<:.:. <br /> <br />...., <br /> <br />(5) A copy of the stress sheets and calc~lations may be required <br />by the inspector, on larger signs, showing that the structure is ' .- <br />designed for dead load and wind pressure in any direction in the ,;. <br />amount required by this part and .:.ny other applicable law. ",'" '_" <br />":":'. '.' . :.: i: .:.~::.-:;~~~.<.,:..:.'..~:\~ ):+/ <br />(6)"'The':'na~e'o{:the pe:tson, firm,' corporation, or ther organ.iza-:;" <br />tion erecting the structure, if not the applicant; or the name o~ <br />the person, firm, corporation or other organization on whose property. <br />the structure is to be located, jf not .thcapplicant. :i <br /> <br />,-::1" <br />"'. ,,;.....,1.:,;:':.::<.: <br />':">"";':':"'~'I <br /> <br />j <br />i <br /> <br />.,. ",-'::', ::~'.:; ',:",:J <br />if noti;'the":;' "".":-'-'1 <br /> <br /> <br />( R ) .A s ta teme n t~ s .to "he th e r the Po i <J nwi 11 . he illuminated X not 0 ),;:~~ <br />--"," ',:1 <br /> <br />,~:t <br /> <br />,,", <br /> <br />. '". ....... <br />' , , <br />. . .". <br />.( 7) .'~ Trl~r~<wr i tten"~.~on:s'en t:" of .the owner :~~.of. ".the property,' <br />applicant.., ';" <br /> <br />(9) A statement as to whether any electric lights on the sign <br />will be "moving" or blinking. <br /> <br />.'.j. <br /> <br /> <br />(10) A statement as to whether the sign will" be s,ing~~_-:-fac~c1' <br />double-faced or multi-faced. <br /> <br />(11) A statement as to whether or not the copy on the.sign wiil b~'" <br />changeable. , , <br /> <br />-". ,. . .~t::. ;:.,~; <br /> <br /> <br />(12) A statement as to whether or not the copy on the sign ~ill <br />relate only to the business or activity conducted'on,the.-premises.;on:t':> <br />'which the .sign is, to he"locatcd. ',;-, <br /> <br />, ".71":..,'0" <br /> <br />" , <br />, , , <br />39.10 Permit Feos.Theapplication for a permit sh~ll bc":" <br />accomp~nied by the required permit fee. as-ffieFe-~~iiY-Re~-e~~-iR; <br /> <br />.:T.." <br /> <br />.-i <br />