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MOUNDS VIEW CITY COUNCIL January 12, 1981 <br />Regular Meeting Page Four <br />MOTION: Forslund made a motion,seconded by <br />Hodges to accept the December 22, 1980, <br />City Council minutes as corrected. <br />Ayes -3 <br />Nays -0 <br />Abstentions -2 (Blanchard and Doty were not on <br />the Council at the time of this meeting). <br />MOTION CARRIED. <br />Pete Szurek, 8145 Eastwood, asked Council <br />where and how he could submit a complaint <br />against a police officer. Attorney Meyers <br />referred Mr. Szurek to the police chief. <br />Pat Taylor, 7619 Knollwood Drive, asked <br />Council what the status of his curb stop <br />was. (Mr. Taylor noted that he had been <br />previously assessed for a curb stop but <br />one had never been installed). Administrator <br />Pauley informed the Council that an inspec- <br />tion had been made of Mr. Taylor's property <br />and there had never been a curb stop installed <br />even though Mr. Taylor had been assessed (and <br />paid) for it. <br />MOTION: McCarty made a motion, seconded by <br />Hodges, to authorize staff to identify the <br />source of the funds and to install a curb <br />stop and water service at 7619 Knollwood <br />Drive, residence of Mr. Pat Taylor. <br />Ayes -5 <br />Nays -0 MOTION CARRIED. <br />Mayor McCarty removed Item #B for discussion. <br />Councilmember Doty removed Item #E for dis- <br />cussion. <br />MOTION: Forslund made a motion, seconded by <br />Doty, to approve the consent agenda (eliminating <br />Items B and E) and waive reading of the resolution. <br />Ayes -5 <br />Nays -0 MOTION CARRIED. <br />7. RESIDENT COMMENTS AND <br />REQUESTS <br />8. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA <br />