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Mounds View City Council <br />Regular Meeting <br />ayor McCarty closed the public hearing and re- <br />opened the regular meeting at 8:17 PM. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /B1:.nchard to direct Staff <br />to draft a resolution of approval, granting <br />approval of the preliminary plat for Bob Eigenheer <br />f or Mounds View Square, with the requirements <br />ncluded in the report of Case 65 -80, dated 9/10/81, <br />including the ;preliminary approval under Ordinance <br />305 that permanent' easements be granted the City on <br />Lots 17, 18, 19 and 16, and the developer will <br />install the streets with the approval of the City <br />and City Engineer. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Mayor McCarty read the Resolution of Apprecia- <br />tion to Mr. Glazer and thanked him for his <br />valuable service to the City. <br />Motion /Second: Doty /Blanchard to approve <br />Resolution No. 1355. <br />ayes 0 nays <br />Mayor McCarty closed the regular meeting <br />and opened the public hearing for Harold <br />Hjelle at 8:34 PM. <br />Mr. Hjelle presented the Council with a list <br />of his neighbors who did not object to his <br />proposed remodeling and garage. Mr. Hjelle <br />reviewed his proposal, showing what he <br />intends to do. <br />Attorney Meyers reminded the Council that <br />since the hearing was a variance appeal of <br />what the Planning Commission had denied, they <br />were to decide if the Planning Commission <br />acted properly and to determine if a hardship <br />was involved, in order to grant a variance. <br />Jean Miller, of the Planning Commission, stated <br />that the Planning Commission had denied the <br />variance request as there was no demonstrated <br />hardship shown. <br />'uncilmember Forslund read the minutes of <br />ae August 19, 1981 Planning Commission meeting, <br />concerning the Hjelle's request to the Commission <br />and their reasons for denial, and asked that the <br />minutes be entered into the City Council minutes. <br />September 14, 1981 <br />Four <br />Motion Carried <br />9. Accept Resignation of <br />Robert Glazer from the <br />Planning Commission <br />and Approve Resolution <br />No. 1355, a Resolution <br />of Appreciation to <br />Robert Glazer <br />Motion Carried <br />10. Variance Appeal, <br />Harold Hjelle <br />