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Mounds View City Council February 22, 1982 <br />Regular Meeting Page Four <br />Park Director Anderson reported the March /April <br />issue of the Newsletter would be going out on <br />Friday, and would include the bulk of the summer <br />programs. He added the the joint powers agree- <br />ment for the puppetry program with New Brighton <br />will be before the Park Commission within the <br />next two weeks. <br />Park Director Anderson reported they are looking <br />at a mass planting this Spring, especially at <br />Silver View Park, and hope to put in between <br />1500 and 2000 plants, many of them seedlings. <br />He stated they would be contacting volunteer <br />organizations to assist. <br />Park Director Anderson reported they are working <br />on a joint contract with New Brighton to have a <br />combined bid on dieseased tree removal for 1982. <br />He added they are also in the process of hiring <br />a forestry assistant, and do have a candidate <br />who is very promising. <br />Mayor McCarty stated he is concerned with the <br />vandalism that has occurred. He added he has <br />spoken :'ith many elected officials and has <br />been told they are all experiencing problems. <br />He suggested perhaps looking into spending <br />.1maller amounts of money and repairing the <br />existing buildings instead of building new ones. <br />Park Director Anderson replied that he did not <br />see that as a viable alternative and explained <br />that the buildings have already served approximately <br />30 years. He added that the proposEl is for <br />concrete block buildings, which are very sturdy. <br />He added that the Park Commission is not con- <br />sidering indoor pli*-nbing. <br />Mayor McCarty stated he frit it could be very <br />cost effective to contract for municipal <br />services through private companies and asked <br />Park Director Anderson to continue checking <br />into it. <br />Dan Boxrud presented the Council with the <br />bid tabulation sheet and recommendations on <br />the bids that were received earlier in the <br />day. He reviewed the bids and answered the <br />Council's questions. <br />Mr. Boxrud pointed out that the low bidder <br />had neglected to sign his bond, but in speak- <br />ing to the attorney of the bond company, was <br />told it was valid as he had paid all fees and <br />the bonding company had signed the bond. <br />10. Consideration of <br />Bids for Long Lake <br />Road Ditch Mainte- <br />nance <br />