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Mounds View City Council March 8, 1982 <br />Regular Meeting Page Four <br />Bernita Chestek, 8161 Spring Lake Park Road. <br />stated she and her husband did not care to have <br />any more business in the area, and they would like <br />it to be kept residential. <br />Mayor McCarty closed the public hearing and reopened <br />the regular meeting at 8:00 PM. <br />Motion /Second: Forslund /Doty to deny the rezoning <br />and conditional use permit request Case No. 104 -82 submitted <br />by Gregory A. Johnson for the following reasons: <br />The members of the Council are all personally <br />familiar with the property in question and the <br />surrounding neighborhood and the fact that this <br />property abutts Highway 10; <br />That surrounding property owners had purchased <br />their properties in reliance on the present resi- <br />dential zoning of the subject property; <br />That if the property were rezoned as requested <br />it would be difficult and expensive to police the <br />use of the property, including business hours, <br />lighting, noise, and air pollution problems, <br />storage and housekeeping; <br />That previous zoning requests for the subject <br />property and other neighboring properties have been <br />heard and denied by the City; <br />That the Comprehensive Plan which has been <br />prepared and adopted by the City after years of <br />study, and at great expense to the taxpayers, <br />designates the subject property as medium density <br />residential and that the Council agrees with <br />maintaining that classification and wants the <br />subject property to remain consistent with said <br />Comprehensive Plan; <br />That the Council finds that the public health, <br />safety, and welfare would be adversely affected by <br />the granting of the request because of the adverse <br />effect it would have on the residential property <br />values of the abutting properties presently being <br />used as residential; <br />That the applicant has not shown what impact, <br />if any, the use would have on traffic and the <br />environment; <br />