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Mounds View City Council May 10, 1982 <br />Regular Meeting Page Four <br />Councilmember Blanchard reported she had asked <br />Staff to draft a resolution, commending Rob <br />Shelquist, a Mounds View resident and Irondale <br />High School student, for being named Mr. Basket- <br />ball of 1982. <br />Councilmember Doty arrived at 8:10 PM. <br />Motion /Second. Blanchard /Hodges to adopt <br />Resolution No. 1438, commending Rob Shelquist. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley read Resolution <br />No. 1438. <br />Councilmember Hodges reported he had been con- <br />tacted by the resident at 2708 County Road J, <br />who wants to put on a garage addition, which <br />will help abate the noise problem with the <br />traffic on J, but which requires a variance. <br />He added he had been to the home and did <br />find it was very noisy, and asked the rest <br />of the Council to view the property. <br />Official Rose explained that Mr. Petrowski, <br />the owner, had been before the Planning <br />Commission the previous week and had <br />informally asked them for their input before <br />making a formal application, and had been <br />told by them that they did not feel they <br />could grant a variance. He pointed out <br />that the Planning Commission has denied <br />such requests in the past. He also <br />stated that Mr. Petrowski had not made a <br />formal application to date. <br />Mayor McCarty recommended starting the thrust <br />on County Road J again, and approaching t'‘e <br />County and reasserting the City's displeasure <br />with the noise and problems on County Road J. <br />Councilmember Hodges asked when the street <br />patching would begin. Clerk /Administrator <br />Pauley replied it would be a few more weeks, <br />once the street sweeping is complete. He <br />explained they were behind schedule due to <br />the weather. <br />Councilmember Doty had no report. <br />Mayor McCarty announced there are two <br />vacancies available for the Lakeside Park <br />Commission. <br />Motion Carried <br />