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Mounds View City Council May 24, 1982 <br />Regular Meeting Page Two <br />Motion /Second: McCarty,'Doty to instruct the <br />Clerk /Administrator to have the Police Department <br />cite the business known as Steve's Appliance, for <br />a violation of their development agreement with <br />the City of Mounds View, by noon on May 25, 1982. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />John Wells, 8020 Groveland Road, noted that the <br />radiator shop has placed ads in two phone books, <br />noting their new address. <br />Bob Pajak, 8415 Fairchild, informed the Council <br />of a noise problem he and other neighbors were <br />experiencing with one particular neighbor. He <br />reported they had called the police on numerous <br />occasions and while the police had stopped over, <br />the resident was not in violation until after <br />10 PM. Mr. Pajak requested the Council revise <br />the City ordinance to give the Police the authority <br />to take action. <br />Attorney Meyers explained to Mr. Pajak that in <br />prosecuting such a case, everything must be proven <br />beyond a reasonable doubt, and standards must be <br />set very clearly. Mayor McCarty added they will <br />check into the problem. <br />Mayor McCarty closed the regular meeting and <br />opened the first public hearing at 7.45 PM. <br />Dick Hedin, 8041 Long Lake Road, requested the <br />Council consider total square footage of a lot <br />when considering utility sheds and their sizes, <br />and recommended that perhaps 2 percent of the <br />total square footage be allowed for a utility <br />shed. He also suggested consideration of <br />allowing a utility shed to be an extension of <br />a garage, which could be more aesthetically <br />pleasing. <br />Mayor McCarty replied that that section of the <br />code is not up for review at this time, but <br />that the Planning Commission and City Council <br />should be innovative and look at new ideas and <br />suggestions. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Blanchard that the City <br />Council direct the Planning Commission to <br />consider revising the accessory building size <br />requirements to include two percent of the lot <br />area as the maximum allowable size. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Motion Carried <br />5A. Municipal Code <br />Revision, First <br />Reading of Ord. No. <br />313 Adopting the <br />Revision and Re- <br />codification of <br />Mounds View Ordi- <br />nances to be known <br />as the "Municipal <br />Code of Mounds <br />View" <br />Motion Carried <br />