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Mounds View City Council August 9, 1982 <br />Regular Meeting Page Thxee <br />Mrs. Mountin asked the Council if they would direct <br />Staff to go out and examine the property and send a <br />letter to the owner, to have it cleaned up. <br />Motion /Second: Doty /Blanchard to direct Staff to <br />contact the property owner of records to see that the <br />property is cleaned up on the easement between Ardan <br />Avenue and LaPort Drive. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Doty that if it is determined <br />the City is the owner of record, that it immediately <br />clean up that part the City is responsible for. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Forslund to move the <br />senior citizen housing project ahead on the agenda. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Pete VanHauer, representative for Mounds View <br />Residents, Inc., stated they were present to try <br />and reach some type of compromise with the Council, <br />based upon action the Planning Commission had <br />taken, requiring 40 parking spaces, while they <br />only had funding for 26. He explained he had <br />met with HUD staff and they are approximately <br />$7,000 short of funds for the extra parking spaces <br />and .o not want to see the project fall through <br />at this late date. Upon questioning, he stated <br />they would be willing to put 26 spaces in now, <br />and add 14 later, if it was determined they were <br />required, or they would be willing to put in 30 <br />now, if no more were required. <br />Mayor McCarty asked if they would be able to <br />have the 40 spaces completed by August 1983. <br />Mr. VanHauer replied they..would like a justifi- <br />cation study done, which they would be willing <br />to fund, and would like to have until June 1985 <br />to make a determination. He added that it is <br />HUD's opinion that 40 spaces are not necessary, <br />and they will not allow any type of temporary <br />parking that is not paved and curbed. <br />Mrs. Mountin explained that the proposed Chapter <br />40 update would allow for a conditional use permit, <br />with a 15 percent deviation on parking, which would <br />then make the requirement 34 spaces. She added <br />Motion Carried <br />Motion Carried <br />7. Consideration of <br />Planning Commi- <br />ssion Recommenda- <br />tions Regarding <br />Senior Citizen <br />Housing Project <br />Motion Carried <br />