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Mounds View City Council June 27, 1983 <br />Regular Meeting Page Five <br />husband had visited the local liquor establishments <br />to observe how ID's were checked. She stated they <br />did not observe much carding at one. She also stated <br />she had been told that one establishment had an under <br />age person working as a bartender. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley asked Councilmember Hankner <br />to get in touch with Acting Police Chief Tim Smith <br />with the information she was given, so that he might <br />check it out. He also advised that a letter had been <br />sent to all the liquor establishments. <br />Mayor McCarty reported he had met with the probation <br />officer for the Ramsey County Juvenile Service Center, <br />and had spoken with someone at the courthouse, and <br />neither of them had been aware of any extraordinary problem <br />of juveniles being served liquor in Mounds View. <br />Attorney Meyers noted there has been very good enforce- <br />ment by the law officers, both from the City Police <br />Department, and the Highway Patrol. <br />Councilmember Hankner noted that when the grass is <br />mowed along the boulevards, the clippings go out <br />into the street, and then when it rains, they go <br />into the storm sewer. Director Johnson stated he <br />would check into the matter. <br />Councilmember Blanchard reported she had attended an <br />airport meeting the previous Wednesday, and was not <br />able to attend the Planning Commission work session. <br />Councilmember Doty reported he had attended the meeting <br />of the Park Commission, where they prioritized the <br />desired park improvements, to be passed on to the <br />1984 budget. <br />Councilmember Linke reported the Festivities Commi- <br />ssion is finishing up preparations for the Festival <br />in the Park. <br />Councilmember Linke reported <br />call last Wednesday evening, <br />lived on the far end of town <br />music he could hear from the <br />11 PM. <br />he had received a phone <br />from a citizen who <br />complaining about the <br />Bel Rae Ballroom, at <br />Mayor McCarty asked the status of having volunteers <br />from the City drive senior citizens to the Edgewood <br />Community Center for congregate dining once a week. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley replied he would check <br />with Park Director Anderson to see if he had a <br />response yet. <br />Mayor McCarty directed Staff to give Mr. Wagner a <br />copy of the article from the Administrator's Newsletter, <br />