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Mounds View City Council July 11, 1983 <br />Regular Meeting Page Five <br />Mayor McCarty explained that he had contacted clergy- <br />men within the City, and their opinion was that it <br />was an individuals responsibility, and they did not <br />specifically object to the additional hours. <br />Councilmember Blanchard stated that she was in favor <br />of the additional hours, to allow the City businesses <br />to compete with surrounding communities. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Hankner to set a public hear- 8. Consideration <br />ing for 7:40 PM on July 25 to consider the vacation of Staff Memo <br />of the alley in Block 1, Iron Works Plat. Regarding Block <br />1, Iron Works <br />5 ayes 0 nays Plat, Alley <br />Vacation <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley explained that Acting 9. 2nd Quarter <br />Police Chief Smith was called out of town on Department Head <br />family business, and would be giving his report Reports <br />on July 25. <br />Finance Director Brager reported the financial <br />statement had been completed, and the City has <br />taken advantage of some interest bearing checking <br />accounts, and have worked on taking insurance <br />proposals and awarding insurance contracts, and <br />have started the first round in the budget, which <br />will carry through to the next quarter, and are <br />doing a special assessment debt study. <br />Finance Director Brager reported that for the <br />insurance program, they are going to have a firm <br />come in and look at the City's program and make <br />recommendations on modifications, with safety in <br />mind, which will reduce insurance costs. He <br />stated a report will be ready in about four weeks. <br />Finance Director Brager reported that a resident <br />had come in this morning and made a presentation <br />of money that was to be used for a special purpose, <br />drapes for the Clerk /Administrator's office. He <br />stated that a special fund had been set up, entitled <br />"RIPOFF Mayor McCarty explained the money had <br />been donated at the City Dinner, in jest. <br />Park Director Anderson reported the 2nd quarter <br />had been their busiest, with Staff attending 42 <br />evening meetings, and developing two City news- <br />letters, and spending a minimum of 30 hours a <br />week on the new word processor /micro computer. <br />He reported that in forestry, 24 crates of flowers <br />Motion Carried <br />