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Mounds View City Council July 25, 1983 <br />Regular Meeting Page Seven <br />''Mayor McCarty asked what options were open for the City <br />to fund a golf course. Clerk /Administrator Pauley <br />replied there could be a general obligation bond, tax <br />increment bond, or seek outside donations. He added <br />that a possibility would be that when a developer does <br />work in the City, negotiate with him that he help in <br />developing certain property, in lieu of a park dedication. <br />Attorney Meyers added that a revenue bond would be another <br />possibility, but that it would be expensive. <br />Director Johnson reported he is getting information from <br />neighboring cities. Clerk /Administrator Pauley added <br />that Staff would encourage pursuit of ideas, such as <br />jogging trails, snowmobiling, cross country skiing, as <br />well as golf. <br />Mayor McCarty asked that Staff get together information <br />on the success of surrounding communities courses. It <br />was also noted that the possibility of a golf course <br />is in the discussion stage only, at this time. <br />Councilmember Blanchard reported she had attended the 14. Reports of <br />Planning Commission agenda session, and they were Councilmembers <br />very concerned about the status of Chapter 40. <br />Director Johnson explained that the Council and Planning <br />Commission had held a joint meeting and referred <br />questions back to Staff, and that he and Attorney Meyers <br />would be getting together to work on it, but that it <br />was not a high priority item. Councilmember Blanchard <br />replied that the Planning Commission would like to see <br />it moved higher up on the priority list, as it is a <br />very important tool for Chem to use. <br />Mayor Hearty stated that they should address the in- <br />compatibilities between the zoning map and current <br />zoning_ There was discussion among the Council and <br />Staff on the procedure to be followed to make them <br />compatible. <br />Mayor McCarty asked that Staff get something together <br />for the Council to work on. Clerk /Administrator Pauley <br />replied that a time table would be prepared by the next <br />agenda session. <br />Councilmember Blanchard expressed concern with the <br />condition of the hole in the road at Groveland Road <br />and Highway 10. Director Johnson explained that none <br />of the surface restoration work has been done to date, <br />and that the City is working to get the developer <br />,,going. He added that he understands the developer plans <br />on putting the home in the Parade of Homes, scheduled <br />for early August, so feels the work will be completed <br />by then. <br />