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Director Johnson reported it has come to Staff's atten- <br />cion that the work being done at 8134 Jackson Drive, <br />a pool and hot tub installation, does involve the <br />wetland, and would require a wetland alteration permit. <br />He stated that all other pertinent permits were taken <br />out. <br />Mounds View City Council July 25, 1983 <br />Regular Meeting Page Six <br />He added that the fill from that lot was being placed <br />on 2411 Laport Drive, 9 loads to date, which also <br />involves a wetland. He stated that it should not <br />impact the wetland due to the separation of the street <br />and other improved right -of -way. He added that the <br />fill was dumped without a permit. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley noted that it has been <br />q uestioned whether the Rice Creek Watershed District <br />should be involved. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Linke to have Director Johnson <br />issue a cease and desist order and instruct the <br />property owner at 2411 Laport Drive that he may be <br />required to remove the fill, and to file a filling <br />permit application with the City of Mounds View, <br />and the appropriate application with the Rice Creek <br />Watershed District. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />Motion /Second: Linke /Blanchard to have Staff admini- <br />stratively provide an alteration permit for 8134 <br />Jackson Drive for the construction of a pooland spa. <br />4 ayes <br />Motion Carried <br />0 nays Motion Carried <br />Attorney Meyers advised that the City has commenced 13. Report of <br />action against the owner of the radiator repair shop Attorney <br />on Highway 10. He reviewed the charges made, and <br />the procedure that will be followed. He stated he <br />anticipates their defense will be that it is a valid <br />occupation. He added that no court date has been <br />set and that they will be doing some preliminary work <br />to get all the facts together. <br />Attorney Meyers reported that the open meeting 1m <br />has been amended by statute to provide that a City <br />must provide an agenda or copies of material that <br />they will be considering at special <br />Attorney Meyers reported on the law regarding conveyance <br />of state lands to public bodies, such as the surplus <br />land owned by the Highway Department. He also reported <br />to is suggesting possibly zoning some property in the <br />City as recreational. <br />