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,Herman Growe asked what the plans are for the empty land <br />by the Church, and questioned whether a day care center <br />was planned. <br />A representative from the Church stated that they plan <br />to expand to the north and slightly to the east, and <br />that it would be added to the present building. <br />Director Johnson added that a day care home, licensed <br />for up to ten children, could be allowed but he was <br />not aware of one being planned at the time. <br />Mounds View City Council July 25, 1983 <br />Regular Meeting Page Four <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley explained that Acting Chief <br />Smith had a family emergency and was not able to be <br />at the Council meeting, but that Officer Brick was <br />expected to stop in and give the report. <br />Mayor McCarty questioned item 5, to review developer <br />applications as received or as necessary, and asked <br />why, since they are supported by administrative fees, <br />there would be an estimate in the contract. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley replied that Mr. Johnson's <br />contract provides that he work so many hours for the <br />City, and that it was necessary to estimate the number <br />of hours for the remainder of the year. <br />Councilmember Linke pointed out that the hours listed <br />on the July 25 memo have not changed from what was listed <br />on the June 29 memo. He also pointed out a difference <br />in the maximum hours listed for the MSA 1983 resurfacing <br />project, being 122 on one memo, and 112 on the other. <br />Director Johnson replied that the hours have not changed <br />as those project have been at a standstill since the end <br />of June. He explained that it appears to be a typographical <br />error in the difference of hours, and that he didn't have <br />his back -up paperwork with him, but he believed that 122 <br />hours was the correct figure. <br />Councilmember Linke questioned the 30 -40 hours to prepare <br />plans and specs for the 1983 MSA resurfacing program, <br />since Technician Kampel had been authorized overtime to <br />work on them. Director Johnson replied Mr. Kampel's time <br />is for drafting work, and that he will be working with <br />him and directing him on the project. <br />Councilmember Linke expressed concern with getting locked <br />into the maximum number of hours listed. Director Johnson <br />:eplied that the contract states them as "up to <br />10. 2nd Quarter <br />1983 Department <br />Head Rpt. <br />Acting Police <br />Chief Smith <br />11. Consideration <br />of Amendment <br />to Contract <br />for Professional <br />Services with <br />John Johnson <br />