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Mounds View City Council August 22, 1983 <br />Regular Meeting Page Six <br />There was discussion among the Council as to the <br />intent of the SWM fund, anti Councilmember Linke <br />pointed out that the money in the SWM funds was <br />from developers such as Mr. Miller, and not the <br />general taxpayer. It was felt that the hiring <br />of a consultant would be a justifiable use of <br />the funds, considering the time constraints that <br />are involved. <br />Director Johnson reviewed his memo of August 18 to 17. Consideration <br />the Council, concerning the Programmed Land final of Staff Memo <br />plat. He stated that Staff has reviewed the final Regarding Pro <br />plat and finds everything in order. grammed Land <br />Final Plat <br />The representative from Programmed Land stated that <br />if the final plat is approved, they hope to start <br />construction yet this fall. Clerk /Administrator <br />Pauley added that as the Council has done in the <br />past, they will probably grant a grading permit, <br />and then the building permit later, to allow the <br />developer to begin work. <br />Motion /Second: Linke /Doty to adopt Resolution No. <br />1625, approving the final plat of Programmed Land, <br />Inc., and waive the reading of the resolution. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />Motion /Second: Hankner /Linke to adopt Resolution <br />No. 1626, executing Development Agreement No. 83 -61 <br />for Programmed Land, Inc., and waive the reading <br />of the resolution. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley explained that Tammy <br />Turnacliff, the present receptionist, graduated <br />this past June, and since the City does not wish <br />to make her position permanent, it is felt that <br />it would be in her best interests, and that of <br />the City's, to terminate her employment with <br />the City and hire another high school student <br />part -time. <br />Motion /Second: Hankner /Doty to authorize Staff to <br />notify Tammy Turnacliff of the decision to terminate <br />her employment on September 9, 1983 due to the stated <br />intent of the position to provide training under <br />the Office Education Program, and authorize the <br />hiring of Michelle Bednorz as the part -time <br />receptionist at $3.50 per hour starting on <br />September 12, 1983. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />Motion Carried <br />Motion Carried <br />18. Consideration <br />of Staff Recom- <br />mendation Regard <br />ing Receptionist <br />Position <br />Motion Carried <br />