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Mounds View City Council <br />Regular Meeting <br />August 27, 1984 <br />Page Two <br />C ouncilmem b er Hankner gave her person version <br />of the his of the airport situation, explaining <br />to those present the action the, City has tak to date, <br />and the procedure they are following for the future. <br />She agai stressed her personal' opinion that the <br />importan of wafting; to proceed with the lawsuit <br />until there is a basis for it. <br />Mr. Pietrini stated he had heard there was irre- <br />gularities with the way the master plan is being <br />done, and he fears the airport will become like the <br />St. Paul airport. <br />Councilmember Hankner again explained that in her <br />opinion there is no concrete evidence to take to <br />Court at this time on the master plan. She also <br />reviewed her recollection of the situation with <br />Mr. Merritt's billing, with the Council having to <br />call him in twice to go over his billing, and <br />with him not being able to account for an itemiza- <br />tion of the billing. She stressed that she felt <br />he is still employed by the City. <br />Councilmember Linke gave examples of the areas the <br />Council had questions on for Mr. Merritt's billing. <br />Attorney Meyers stated he has no trouble working <br />with Mr. Merritt. He also reviewed the responsi- <br />bilities of the FAA, including safety. <br />Mr. Pietrini stated he still feels the best way to <br />stop the airport is on the environmental issue. He <br />also pointed out that while MAC is doing an EIS, <br />they are in the business of airports, and he feels <br />Mr. Merritt has the power to take them on. <br />Councilmember Hankner pointed out that MAC is <br />watched over by the Environmental Quality Board. <br />She also reviewed the budget situation and <br />advised that she felt if the Council were to <br />act on Mr. Pietrini's resolution, authorizing <br />a $200,000 expenditure for Mr. Merritt's services <br />taxes would have to go up, as there just is not <br />that amount of extra money in the budget. <br />Mr. Pietrini stated he is not concerned with the <br />money involved, but rather with the value of homes. <br />Councilmember. Hankner responded that there are <br />residents who feel differently and do no wish to <br />have their taxes raised. She added she felt they <br />did not have advance notice of the discussion, <br />or they would have been present also to voice their <br />opinions. <br />