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•Mounds View City Council January 27, <br />Page Three <br />Regular Meeting <br />`$ommissioner McCarty stated he wanted to reaffirm <br />pis commitment to open communication lines with the <br />Council, and he hopes to get more dialogue between <br />the City and the County Board. He added he will be <br />sitting down with the Mayor and Clerk /Administrator <br />within the next few days. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley asked that Hecker's <br />Sanitation be added to Item E, for a new license <br />for garbage hauling, to expire on March 30, 1986. <br />Motion /Second: Haake /Blanchard to approve the <br />consent agenda, as amended, and waive the reading <br />of the resolutions. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Park Director Anderson presented the Council with 9. 4th Quarter 1986 <br />a summary of the park and rec program, as requested Department Head <br />by the Council earlier, to be submitted to the Reports <br />school district. <br />Park Director Anderson reviewed the aquatics program, <br />'tating that 323 people are presently enrolled, with <br />4 different lessons being offered. <br />The recreation department had a cross country ski <br />by candlelight outing, which was successful. They <br />are trying to stay on top of the Edgewood Community <br />Center situation, as they utilize the facility a <br />good deal right now and would like to continue that <br />use. <br />Park Director Anderson stated that in the parks <br />department, he had spent a great deal of time with <br />the Task Force working on the referendum, which <br />did not pass. The Park and Rec Commission will be <br />meeting on January 30, at which time they will <br />review what has happened and where to go now. <br />The forestry program is going very well, and it has <br />been very successful having a shared position with <br />New Brighton for the forester. Park Director <br />Anderson reviewed the plantings and disease that <br />was experienced. He also announced the City had <br />been awarded the Tree City award once again. <br />Finance Director Brager explained they had adopted <br />the budget in late September, with the mill rate <br />Dt increasing. They are beginning work on the <br />.annual report and financial statements at this time. <br />8. Approval o f <br />Consent Agenda <br />Motion Carried <br />