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Mounds View City Council <br />Regular Meeting <br />Reinertson stated that at a meeting 3 or 4 <br />ears ago it was decided that no more building would <br />oe allowed in that area until the, problem was solved. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley explained that was the <br />wetlands moritorium, and how that came about. <br />Councilmember Hankner explained that once the <br />wetlands and flood plain ordinances were adopted, <br />the moratorium was lifted. <br />Attorney Meyers suggested the City could create a <br />special tax district and tax the residents of that <br />area. He stated 300 acres could be split out. <br />Director Thatcher stated that a 20,000 square foot <br />lot would be assessed less than $100 per year for 15 <br />years. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley stated he has given the <br />information on how to petition for improvements to <br />the residents who asked for it. <br />Mr. Reinertson stated he was told second handedly <br />that the City was going to install check valves. <br />lerk /Administrator Pauley replied that that is not <br />'the City's plan. He added that the holding pond <br />by Groveland will remain, and some of the lots there <br />will not be allowed to be developed. <br />Mr. Reinertson stated he feels it is the City's fault <br />that he has this problem, and he wants the City to <br />take care of it. <br />Attorney Meyers stated that under Chapter 444, they <br />would have to prepare an ordinance and hold public <br />hearings in order to establish a tax improvement <br />district. He added they could declare the whole <br />City a tax district and assess everyone evenly. <br />The Council directed Attorney Meyers to research <br />the possibility of declaring the City a tax <br />district, and the procedures to be followed. <br />Mrs. Reinertson asked why building permits were given <br />out for homes in areas where the water is so high, <br />Mayor Linke replied that if they meet all the Code <br />requirements, the City cannot arbitrarily deny a <br />permit to build. <br />;M ouncilmember Haake pointed out the water table has <br />risen since many of the homes were built. <br />June 23, 1986 <br />Page Three <br />