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u1 Reinertson, 2741 Ardan Avenue, stated he has a <br />titer problem and asked what the Council plans on <br />doing about it. <br />Councilmember Haake asked if Mr. Reinertson had <br />attended the meeting at Abiding Saviour Church <br />and heard what was discussed. <br />Mounds View City Council June 23, 1986 <br />Regular Meeting Page Two <br />Mr. Reinertson replied he had, but he wants something <br />done now. He added the problem is with the storm <br />sewer, which plugs up and backs up, and he is tired of <br />it and he wants his problem cleared up and given to <br />someone else for awhile. <br />Councilmember Haake explained that at the meeting, <br />a presentation was made of the cost of the work that <br />would need to be done, possible solutions, and how <br />it might be financed. She added that it is antici- <br />pated the cost for just the Ardan Avenue area would <br />be about $500,000, which the City does not have. <br />Mr. Reinertson repeated that he didn't care, someone <br />else could have the problem now. He stated that the <br />water gets 4 -5' deep in his back yard, and he could <br />float a boat back there. He stated they have been <br />clooded in their basement many times, and had just <br />,aplaced all the carpet before being flooded this <br />east weekend. <br />Mayor Linke stated the City is looking into possible <br />solutions, and he asked when the culvert was put in. <br />Mr. Reinertson replied it was 8 or 9 years ago, and <br />it does not do any good. <br />Director Thatcher explained what Mr. Reinertson has <br />is a 5 to 6' reinforced concrete pipe that is out of <br />the ground for a catch basin. He stated he does not <br />know why it was installed or the purpose for it there. <br />He added the problem in that area is the storm sewers <br />downstream are undersized and there is not enough of <br />a holding area. He stated there is no funding source <br />for the $500,000 improvement, of which the figure <br />comes from the John Johnson study. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley stated he believed the <br />sleeve was put in in 1977, as a result of a recom- <br />mendation of a task force, comprised of citizens. <br />Director Thatcher stated that removing the sleeve <br />would not solve the problem, and the only way to <br />andle the problem is to find a funding source. <br />