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""Slerk /Administrator Pauley read proposed Resolution <br />2028. <br />Motion /Second: Hankner /Quick to, approve Resolution <br />No. 2028' regarding Williams Pipeline Company and <br />the United States Department of Transportation, <br />Office of Pipeline Safety. <br />Mounds View City Council <br />Regular Meeting <br />ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br />Councilmember Haake asked for a friendly amendment <br />to the preceeding motion, requesting that another <br />statement be added to the end of the resolution, <br />to read "Be it further resolved, if any defects <br />are found as a result of the above testing procedures, <br />the City will request the pipeline be replaced." <br />It was accepted as a friendly amendment to Resolution <br />No. 2028. <br />Attorney Meyers recommended the resolution, as amended, <br />be presented to the DOT as soon as possible. <br />Bill Frits, 8072 Long Lake Road, reported a problem <br />of cars being parked on a vacant piece of land at <br />Long Lake Road and County Road J, and advertised <br />or sale. <br />Mayor Linke asked the Clerk /Administrator to <br />notify the Chief of Police to look into the matter <br />and issue any necessary citations. <br />Mrs. Gerald Blanski reported there is the same <br />problem on Knollwood Drive, between County Road H <br />and H2, although these cars were not necessarily <br />for sale, but had been parked and left on the <br />boulevard. <br />Mayor Linke replied if they are properly licensed <br />and operable, they are not against any ordinance. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley suggested the Police <br />Department be called and they could check into <br />any violations. <br />Motion /Second: Blanchard /Hankner to approve the <br />consent agenda, as presented, and waive the reading <br />of the resolutions. <br />ayes 0 nays <br />July 14, 1986 <br />Page Two <br />6. Residents <br />Requests and <br />Comments from <br />the Floor <br />7. Approval of <br />Consent Agenda <br />Motion Carried <br />