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Mounds View City Council <br />Regular Meeting <br />ouncilmember Haake suggested fencing along the west property <br />fines and sharing the cost with the property owners, as an <br />_ffort to save money. <br />Director Thatcher stated there will be a meeting at 10. Report Public <br />10:30 am on July 15, at City Hall, with the Minnesota W /Community <br />PCA and Williams Pipeline regarding the ground water Development <br />monitoring of the area. Director <br />Director Thatcher clarified that the delay on repairs <br />to County Road H2 was not due to Staff, but rather a <br />delay on the contractor's part. <br />Attorney Meyers reported the question has been raised 11. Report of <br />about a building permit for reinstallation of the Attorney <br />pipeline, and to alleviate any doubts, Emergency <br />Ordinance #3 has been prepared, which Attorney Meyers <br />read. <br />Motion /Second: <br />Ordinance #3. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Linke /Hankner to approve Emergency <br />Attorney Meyers read proposed Ordinance No. 410, <br />'tating they will go through the normal process for <br />amendment to Chapter 59, in case it should be <br />questioned in the future whether this was a true <br />emergency. <br />Motion Second: Linke /Blanchard to have the first <br />reading of Ordinance No. 410, an ordinance amending <br />the Municipal Code of Mounds View by amending <br />Chapter 59.03, entitled "Building Permits and Fees <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Mr. Frits asked if he were to have a problem with the <br />gas service going to his house, would he be required <br />to wait two weeks also? <br />Attorney Meyers explained the ordinance does not <br />include service lines, as they are covered in other <br />chapters of the code. <br />July 14, 1986 <br />Page Five <br />Motion Carried <br />Carried <br />Councilmember Haake reported the Festival in the Park 12. Reports of <br />will be held July 19 and 20, and outlined the activi- Councilmembers: <br />ties planned. Councilmember <br />Haake <br />ouncilmember Hankner stated that while she had no Councilmember <br />report, she would like to extend her thanks to all who Hankner <br />helped during the tragic accident of last week. <br />