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Mounds View City Council November 10, 1986 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />Mr. Mueller showed the location of the loading docks, <br />and he explained the berming is 4 -5' between the two <br />locations, with vegetation on top of the berming. <br />Director Thatcher reviewed the plan that had been <br />approved a year a5.... He stated they have increased <br />the proposed building size about 900 sf. He added <br />the Planning Commission has not reviewed this, as <br />they did not have a quorum for their November meeting, <br />but they do plan to meet November 12, and will <br />discuss it then. <br />Councilmember Haake reminded the Council the residents <br />who had attended the hearing last year had many <br />concerns about the proposed development, including <br />having headlights shine in their windows at night. <br />Councilmember Blanchard asked when the delivery trucks <br />will be arriving, as the residents had expressed <br />concern with that issue. <br />A representative from Super America explained the <br />Super America delivery truck would come in the evening, <br />once a week, and the gas truck would come more frequently, <br />as the need was determined. He explained the majority <br />of deliveries from the various vendors would be during <br />day, and they could request the Super America truck <br />come on Friday evenings, around 5:30 PM, as they have <br />a run in that area at that time. <br />Councilmember Quick stated he was concerned with the <br />planned berming and topography of the property, and <br />whether it would be adequate. <br />Mr. Mueller showed what they have planned, and explained <br />what the various plantings would be. <br />Councilmember Quick stated he would like to see sight <br />lines from the new drawings, to have a better idea of <br />what will be visable to the residents in the area. <br />Mr. Mueller explained he did not have that drawing <br />available, but he pointed out how much more vegetation <br />was planned now. <br />Councilmember Haake stated she would like to see the <br />berming remain as it was originally approved. She <br />added that she has no problem with the increase in <br />building size. <br />Mary Larson, 2568 Mounds View Drive, asked if the traffic <br />from Sliper America would be using Mounds View Drive. <br />Mayor Linke replied that a good portion of the traffic <br />could use Mounds View Drive, and he explained that Mounds <br />View Drive was planned as a service road, and it's <br />purpose is to serve the commercial areas that will be <br />