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Mounds View City Council May 26, 1987 <br />Regular Meeting Page Two <br />Mayor Linke stated that when he first became aware of <br />the problem, he checked with the Finance Director to <br />see what the City's policy is, and the City will <br />forgive one late payment or reading, but Mr. Deppa <br />has already had one forgiven. He added that as far <br />as mail being taken from the mail box, it is a federal <br />matter for the Post Office to handle. <br />Councilmember Blanchard suggested Mr. Deppa speak to <br />the postal inspector but she warned that it can take <br />a long time before they look into the matter. <br />Councilmember Hankner stated she can understand Mr. <br />Deppa's request and she does not feel it is unreason- <br />able. She added that the matter should be taken care <br />of with either the Police Department or Post Office, <br />and if there is a problem with the response from the <br />Post Office, they could contact Congressman Vento. <br />Motion /Second: Hankner /Quick to send a letter to <br />Congressman Vento explaining a constituant from the <br />area is having a problem with the Post Office and <br />their lack of response to his situation. <br />5 ayes <br />0 nays Motion Carried <br />John Winiecki, 7575 Groveland Road, stated he and <br />his neighbors have contacted the City regarding the <br />wetlands behind them and the ditch which is not being <br />maintained. He stated that in the past when it has <br />been wet, they have had problems with the water in <br />their back yards and not being able to mow certain <br />areas, and they would like the ditch to be maintained. <br />Mayor Linke asked that the discussion be continued <br />when the Dailey Knolls public hearing comes on the <br />agenda. <br />Mayor Linke closed the regular meeting and opened <br />the first public hearing at 7:13 PM. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley explained Amoco Oil is <br />requesting a conditional use permit to operate <br />a self- service gas station with a conven1en store <br />and car wash, and the proposal has received approval <br />from the Planning Commission. <br />Jim Filippi, of North Star Engineering, reviewed the <br />proposed site plan. <br />Councilmember Blanchard stated she was concerned with <br />possible problems with cars going back out onto <br />Highway 10, and the possibility of accidents. <br />6. Public Hearing: <br />Conditional <br />Use Permit for <br />Amoco Oil Co. <br />