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Mounds View City Council February 22, 1988 <br />Regular Meeting Page Seven <br />'lotion /Second: Hankner /Wuori to approve the first read- <br />ng of Ordinance No 436, adopting the revision and <br />re;.odification of Mounds View Ordinances to be known as <br />the "Municipal Code of Mounds View and waive the <br />reading. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley explained the proposed <br />ordinance would accept the rezoning of the Mounds View <br />Business Park site from I -1 and B -3 to PUD. <br />Motion /Second: Hankner /B1anc1±ard to have the first <br />reading of Ordinance No. 437, amending the Municipal <br />Code of Mounds View by amending Chapter 41, entitled <br />"Specific Rezonings and waive the reading. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Motion /Second: Hankner /Wuori to adopt Resolution <br />No. 2292, as amended, approving a conditional use permit <br />to construct a public facility in an R -1 district for <br />the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission at 2345 <br />County Road H, and waive the reading. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />There was discussion on the amendment to the resolution, <br />with the Council agreeing that it should contain a fourth <br />contingency, for maintaining the external appearance of <br />the fencing and building. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley reported that after several 20. Consideration <br />months of negotiations an agreement has been reached with of Resolution <br />Teamsters Local 320, and he briefly reviewed the settle No. 2291 <br />ments made and asked Council approval. <br />Motion /Second: Quick /Hankner to approve Resolution No. <br />2291, approving the 1988 labor agreement between the <br />City of Mounds View and Teamster's Local 320, and waive <br />the reading. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley updated the Council on the <br />status of the application from Bob Waste for a liquor <br />license transfer, stating that Mr. Waste does not want <br />a amend the application or withdraw it, even after <br />eing advised that it would be denied as it stands. <br />He explained that Attorney Meyers has confirmed that <br />Chapter 100.06 (2), (f.) prohibits the issuance of a <br />17. First Reading <br />of Ordinance <br />No. 436 <br />18. First Reading <br />of Ordinance <br />No. 437 <br />19. <br />Consideration <br />of Resolution <br />No. 2292 <br />21. Consideration <br />of Application <br />for Liquor <br />License <br />Transfer <br />Motion Carried <br />Motion Carried <br />Motion Carried <br />Motion Carried <br />