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Councilmember Hankner stated she would get back to Mr. <br />Lozowy once she has looked into it further. <br />Mounds View City Council March 14, 1988 <br />Regular Meeting Page Two <br />Mayor Linke closed the regular meeting and opened the <br />public hearing at 7:10 PM. <br />Planner Herman explained the issue is whether the <br />City should purchase property at 8100 Groveland <br />Road, in the event that Knollwood Drive is extended. <br />She reviewed the history of the area and past <br />discussions that lave occurred regarding the extension. <br />She added the property owner at 8100 Groveland has <br />requested to build a home on the lot, which necessitates <br />action on the part of the City, and a decision on <br />which direction to proceed i.n. <br />Planner Herman reviewed the alternatives the City <br />could take in purchasing the property. She explained <br />the City has no plans at this time to extend Knoll- <br />wood, and the issue at hand is whether or not to <br />purchase this property. The Council could choose to <br />do nothing, purchase 8100 Groveland, or purchase <br />8100 Groveland and property along Spring Lake Road. <br />411 She added the Planning Commission has passed a <br />resolution recommending the City purchase the <br />property and hold it in the event that Knollwood <br />is extended in the future, and she explained there <br />are methods of funding available that would reimburse <br />the costs of the purchase of the property to the City. <br />Donald Gross, 8060 Groveland Road, asked who would <br />pay the assessments if the road is extended, and he <br />stated he would be against the extension if the <br />neighbors would be assessed, as it would present a <br />severe hardship on some. <br />Planner Herman explained only those who are benefitted <br />are assessed, and then only at the time of the benefit. <br />Manor Linke explained it is the responsibility of the <br />Council to look to the future, and try not to land <br />lock property. <br />Mr. Gross recommended the road be put through when <br />commercial development comes in, and tie it into their <br />property. <br />Councilmember Hankner noted that if the Council makes <br />the decision to purchase the property, they are not <br />necessarily the Council that will be making the decision <br />on what to do with it. <br />6. Public Hearing: <br />Consideration <br />of Future <br />Extension of <br />Knollwood Drive <br />from Ardan <br />Avenue to <br />Sherwood Road <br />