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Mounds View City Council May 9, 1988 <br />Regular Meeting Page Six <br />Park and Rec Director Saarion stated every one of <br />the other park buildings has a very gentle slope. <br />She also stated there is a concern with time, as <br />the summer programs begin June 20 and she would <br />like to have this in place by then. She added there <br />is a problem with wasps and bees under the building, <br />which would be taken care of. <br />Councilmember Blanchard stated she sees no problem <br />in approving this tonight and then getting a policy <br />in place on the other buildings. She added that <br />time is a factor to keep in mind. <br />Councilmember Quick expressed concern with the height <br />of the foundation, pointing out they had difficulties <br />at Groveland Park because the wood structure was too <br />close to the ground. He stated that if there is not <br />enough money to maximize the parks usability, he <br />would rather wait a year before doing this. He also <br />pointed out the proposed wooden ramp would still allow <br />the wasps under it, and he would rather see a sidewalk <br />with a gradual slope than a ramp. <br />Motion /Second: Quick /Hankner to table discussion on <br />this until the first regular Council meeting after <br />tne May 26 Park and Rec Commission meeting. <br />3 ayes 2 nays <br />Councilmember Blanchard and Mayor Linke voted against <br />the motion. <br />Councilmember Hankner asked that Staff look at the <br />structural implications of making a change from 7 to <br />6 blocks, and get information from the Park and Rec <br />Commission on the handicapped accessibility policy. <br />Mayor Linke explained the DBC allows a structure to <br />be within 6" of grade, and the majority of houses in <br />Mounds View are only one course above grade. <br />Councilmember Quick asked for cost comparisons of <br />leaving the building where it is, or moving it, based <br />on the Park and Rec Commission discussions and <br />recommendations. <br />Councilmember Hankner asked that the Park and Rec <br />Commission look at the options and prepare a budget <br />for the work to be done and submit it to the Council. <br />She also questioned whether the Public Works staff <br />would have time to build the ramp. <br />*Park and Rec Director Saarion stated she had checked <br />with them, and they had said yes, but no time lines <br />were given. <br />Motion Carried <br />