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+Helen Bouley, 2249 County Road H2, stated she has a <br />problem with the mound of sand at the construction site <br />across from her, and would like to see it gone. <br />Mounds View City Council <br />Regular Meeting <br />Tim Nelson, of Everest Development, apologized for the <br />problem. He explained the agreement with the excava- <br />tor is that it must be gone by September, but there <br />is a good chance it will be gone by the end of July, <br />in connection with another project he is bidding on. <br />He added they have water trucks at the site and they <br />will be shooting the hill with calcium chloride to help <br />keep it from blowing. <br />Mrs. Bouley stated she would like to be kept informed <br />by Everest as to what is going on. She also reported <br />there is a problem with children playing on the mound, <br />and someone could get hurt. <br />Bill Frits, 8072 Long Lake Road, asked how the sand <br />would be moved, and by what route. <br />Mr. Nelson explained heavy earth moving equipment would <br />be used, and they would travel along Highway 10 or 35W <br />and not go through the residential area. <br />There was discussion on the best way to communicate <br />with the residents, with Councilmember Hankner suggesting <br />a bulletin board, such as what was used at the time of <br />the pipeline explosion. There can be problems with <br />vandalism with something of that type. Mr. Nelson stated <br />they would be willing to do a mailing to the homes in the <br />area. <br />Mayor Linke closed the regular meeting and opened the <br />next public hearing at 7:45 PM. <br />There were no comments conerning the renewal of the <br />liquor license for Donatelle's Supper Club, so Mayor <br />Linke closed the public hearing and reopened the regular <br />meeting at 7:45 PM. <br />Mayor Linke closed the regular meeting and opened the <br />next public hearing at 7:45 PM. <br />There were no comments concerning the renewal of the <br />liquor license for Mermaid, Inc., so Mayor Linke <br />closed the public hearing and reopened the regular <br />meeting at 7:45 PM. <br />June 13, 1988 <br />Page Four <br />11. Residents <br />Requests and <br />Comments from <br />the Floor <br />12. Public Hearing: <br />Renewal of On- <br />Sale Intoxicatir_. >i? <br />Liquor License <br />for Donatelle's <br />Super Club <br />13. Public Hearing: <br />Renewal of On- <br />Sale Intoxi- <br />cating Liquor <br />License for <br />Mermaid, Inc. <br />