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Mounds View City Council June 27, 1988 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />Mayor Linke closed the regular meeting and opened the <br />next public hearing at 7:54 PM. <br />City Planner Herman explained the purpose of proposed <br />Ordix,.: _,::e No. 443. <br />There were no comments or questions from the audience, <br />so Mayor Linke closed the public hearing and reopened <br />the regular meeting at 7:56 PM. <br />Mayor Linke closed the regular meeting and opened the <br />next public hearing at 7:56 PM. <br />Park and Rec Director Saarion explained the City had <br />had the opportunity to place street sweepings at <br />Greenfield Park earlier in the spring, but it was <br />determined that was a wetland area. She has since <br />talked to Tom Peterson, with Ramsey County Soil and <br />Water Conservation District, who visited the site and <br />has given the analysis that it is not a wetland and <br />it would be okay for the sweepings to be placed <br />She showed on an overhead map of the area where they <br />would like to place the sweepings. <br />Park and Rec Director Saarion requested Council <br />authorization to amend the wetland map as proposed <br />and allow a wetland alteration permit for the fill. <br />City Planner Herman explained the permit is necessary <br />as a portion of the buffer area would be receiving <br />sweepings. <br />Sabri Ayaz, 7751 Bona Road, asked what type of permit <br />would be required, as he was afraid of the City setting <br />a precedent. <br />City Planner Herman explained a wetland alteration <br />permit would be required. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley clarified that no structure <br />would he placed in the area, that it would be filled, <br />leveled and sodded, with picnic tables, horseshoe pits <br />and such established. <br />Councilmember Hankner asked if the City had given itself <br />a wetland alteration permit before. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley replied they hadn't, but they <br />have given them to residents. <br />Mayor Linke closed the public hearing and reopened the <br />regular meeting at 8:02 PM. <br />8. Public Hearing: <br />Ordinance <br />No. 443 <br />9. Public Hearing: <br />Consideration <br />of Wetland <br />Alteration <br />Permit and <br />Ordinance No. <br />444 for <br />Greenfield <br />Park <br />