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Mounds View City Council September 12, 1988 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />Mayor Linke closed the regular meeting and opened the <br />second public hearing at 7:30 PM. <br />City Planner Herman reviewed the proposed additions <br />to Chapter 40, to allow for pet stores, which had not <br />been covered by the Code. She read the conditions <br />that would apply, which are similar to those placed <br />on the veterinary clinic. <br />Mayor Linke closed the public hearing at 7:32 and <br />reopened the regular meeting. <br />Mayor Linke closed the regular meeting and opened the <br />third public hearing at 7:32 PM. <br />City Planner Herman explained the conditions set in <br />the conditional use permit are the same as those just <br />reviewed for the Code amendment in the previous <br />public hearing. She added the conditional use permit <br />would not be allowed until the ordinance has been <br />approved with both readings. <br />Mayor Linke closed the public hearing and reopened <br />the regular meeting at 7 :34 PM. <br />Mayor Linke closed the regular meeting and opened <br />next public hearing Al 7'34 PM_ <br />City Planner Herman clarified the location of the <br />existing Amoco station. <br />Jim Phillipi, of North Star Engineering, representing <br />Amoco Oil Company, reviewed their proposal for adding <br />a car wash to the existing facility, and he reviewed <br />the site plan, covering parking, stacking and signage. <br />Mr. Phillipi stated he had gone through the Staff <br />report and the only question he has concerns the re- <br />quirement for blowers. He explained that with the <br />minute cycle time, and the length of driveway <br />before cars would exit onto the roadway, they did not <br />feel there would be a problem with water dripping off <br />the cars. <br />Mayor Linke asked if there were any drainage problems <br />with the car wash next door. City Planner Herman <br />replied she had checked with the engineer, and there <br />were not. <br />Councilmember Hankner asked if there would be a problem <br />with raising the level of rust in water in the residential <br />areas with the increased use of water in that area. <br />8. Public <br />Hearing: <br />Ordinance <br />No. 448 <br />9. Public <br />Hearing: <br />Consideration <br />of Request for <br />by Ronald <br />Holt, 2540 <br />Highway 10 <br />10. Public <br />Hearing: <br />Consideration <br />of Request for <br />CUP for Amoco, <br />2155 Highway <br />Avenue <br />