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Mounds View City Council December 27, 1988 <br />Regular Meeting Page Four <br />,.Attorney Meyers advised the Council he was concerned <br />the notice of the public hearing would not be <br />specific in what is being considered, and he feels it <br />would be premature to set a hearing without the <br />specific language for the notice. He advised the <br />Planning Commission should be directed to send a list <br />of the proposed changes to the Council. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley explained that due to <br />recent changes by the IRS, for tax purposes he is <br />requesting that his monthly mileage allowance of <br />$150 be made in two parts, one to equal the exact <br />amount of expense incurred, and the second to pay <br />the difference between the first check and the $150 <br />allowance. He added there would be no change in the <br />yearly amount, which will remain at $1,800. <br />Mayor Linke pointed out that if it is to be effective <br />upon signing, as stated in the addendum, he should be <br />listed as Mayor, as he still holds that office. He <br />also requested the addendum be corrected to read <br />"The second half shall be the amount equal to $150.00 <br />less any out -of- pocket expenses and mileage expenses <br />paid to Mr. Pauley during that month." <br />Motion /Second: Hankner /Linke to approve the addendum <br />to the memorandum of understanding between the Mounds <br />View City Council and Donald F. Pauley, Clerk /Admini- <br />strator. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />Attorney Meyers advised he had been in court a month 11. Report of <br />ago on the pipeline case, and the judge has certain Attorney <br />motions under advisement at this time. It can take <br />up to 90 days for a decision to be made. He added <br />the trial will not be heard until February or late, <br />due to recent changes in the law and the priority of <br />criminal cases over civil cases. He also stated that <br />discovery is completed. <br />Public Works Director Minetor asked for Council <br />approval of the water system control panel replacement <br />and reviewed the submissions from the four vendors. He <br />g ated Staff's recommendation remains the same as it <br />wus at the last agenda session. <br />Motion /Second: Hankner /Blanchard to approve the <br />recommended purchase of the Autocon system, in an <br />amount not to exceed $65,135, with a 10% contingency <br />for unforeseen conditions, for a total cost of <br />$71,648. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />10. Consideration of <br />Addendum o <br />to <br />randum of Under -'r' <br />standing Between <br />the Mounds View <br />City Council and <br />Donald F. Pauley, <br />Administrator <br />Motion Carried <br />Motion Carried <br />