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�p��ll-9�q �9��8A How��d S��ld�n <br />�PP-lr4�r T�I.1 ��•Jr ��� <br />Parz� �heldon <br />C�NG�.tiS���� <br />� <br />p r` � ��I4-7i9-�632 �_09 <br />��.4,: C�,,. �'i ., m � :: � � Y. U'� <br />' :. _ 1 �' ';' <br />T'k�e O'Neii proper�y as zo�ed for a� of residea�ial as�d retail d��relopgnent. Tiie <br />compreher�sive pI� it�dic��es sin�ge-gamiiy residential of tiie site. T'he�c tiva la�d us� <br />sc�aarios represent ihe ��tr���s of po�nrial tases of ehe site ira �errris of the ntambcr o£ <br />�rips ti��t �vould bc �cnc . Thc propos�ti d�vel�pra�erat would be exp��d to �e�eratc <br />Icss tha.n hali ehc n�tmber of �ps that wouid be �ener�ted by th� land usc de�ined g� �� <br />�oning pl�n, but ffiorc tE�an four �me� thc r�umber of �eips �hat �vould �� �ec�er�tgd by t�� <br />land tis� i�.ci�cat�d in the �ar�prehcnsive plan. <br />'1"�a� proposed o�c,� 8uiidin�s expccted to �cneratc tkz� most �a�c d�rir�g gh� typicai <br />a.m. ar�d p,m. pe�� hour that is exg�rien�cd on t�e �djacert4 screet�. Tb� rnajar �cncr��or, <br />ti�e rriovge the�t��y is �xpectcd to �ener�t� th� h�gh�� n�b�r �f tri�s Iater �a �he �vcr,in�s <br />and on �ve�k��ds. Ie�ost of the site-generat�d �rips � otaid b� s�r6-ed by i'EI' 1(l. Othe� <br />s�r�cts arc aiso expected io s�e sice-�enerared t�ipss ir� pax�icul�r Loza� I,a�e Ro�d �d <br />Couzity Road H-2, which are b�t� classified as coll�ctor screeL�. T°hese s3�e�ts eotild <br />expe�a�r�ce iricreases of b�i�veea sevea artd sixeeet� �rcenY ir� daiiy �-affic vviut�es, <br />ihc �xistin� s-txeeY sqstem is adequate to accomrr�odat� �he �ips that weuld be ��n�rated <br />by th� pmpascd praj�. `I'h� developer �rould b� req�ir�d by Ntn/��7' to pr��id� <br />improvemerz� at the proposed site driveway to fuilit�t� mvverrzcnt into and o�at of th� <br />sit� and to rniziirnize interfe�nc� wiy� 1$I 10 �affic. <br />'lhe propos�d development is expect� to result in aa increa�se in thc numi�r of U-ttaans <br />r�dc at iait�rscctia�u on iF$ 1p, �}-tums made at thc signalized inters�ctions are t�ot <br />expectcd to cause a safety problert�. IE is gossib�e t�at IJ-�,t�ns m�de ag �e �i�����a <br />intersecYion of 1'�-I 10 and �dgewaod Drive wouid crea�e a safety problcm. If this occursn <br />tiz� inkerseccion couid cither bc posted for no U-tttms or ihe brea�c in the m�c�za,n could be <br />closgd �y �In/D�'1�. <br />'; ►..: <br />