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_ - ' <br />., : , <br />Apr-11-97 lO:o�p Hoea�v-ci Sh�ldora __ 1-7]L4.-779-6�12 6� 02 <br />�� � � �� � �� ����� <br />OI,�JT'�ON N� a 502�97 <br />�. �- ��� � -�. �� � � �� � � - <br />� » � ��� <br />�t i�. �� <br />., • i., , � �, � �,�. . ►. �� �: ! 1►. ,, . � <br />!- `I ' ;1 �: f° ' _ l�l:� 1 � ". 1�1 �1 • � 1.`►.. . �: ,. ` -� <br />�' . � � �� � �' :���. �� : 3' . '.�' - �` ��- �" �� � -� � :� ��'�, •:``_ '�_ `�' L .,� I. '.�, �.'1 F ^ ' � i ,. <br />, .,, ;_ , . ; ; <br />le� . ,'..,,- - - : � _ 3._�. <br />'�iE�A�, Anthvny �rcap�rties Manageme�t h�,s appli� for a c�rrr►p��h�nsive pl� <br />arr�end�n�nt whgch would cbange the designation o� thc O'�eil ���gty fr�rn medium d��sity <br />r�sidential (3-b units per acre) to mixed us� commercial; and, <br />�IE�AS, the O'IeTeii property is describ�d as follows: <br />(XX-insert legat descripqon) <br />�ERE�,S, �ection 40f .09 of th� P�ounds `Iievv Nluni�ipal�Ccyde sPat�s ihat th� �ity has <br />adopt�d the Compreh�nsive Plan fog the City of Mounds �iew, dat�d 1979, as it� plan for futur� <br />dev�lapment and growth witilin the CiEy, ar�d, <br />WHE�2EAi, the City Cauncii of th� City vf I�ou�ds �i�w adopted ihe 1979 <br />Comprehens�ve Plan in 1982 by Resolurion I�1o, �XXXP and, <br />WHEI�AS, the 1979 Comprehensive Plan pia�s the O'AY'eil Property in District I and <br />designates t�is praperty for medium density residential d�velopment; aind, <br />WHEREAS, there hav� been four efforts �o �mend ttie City's Comprehensivc PI� since <br />1979, and the Highway 10 R�deveiopment Study was prepare� and consider�d by the City <br />Council in 1995; and, <br />V�HEREAS, as pari of thes� efforts, consideratian has be�n g�v�n to various Iand uses <br />iar the O'N'eil property, including: highway camrnercial, mixesi use low and me�iurrs density <br />residential, affice park, corgorat� h�zdquarters office, or to�mhom�sq and, <br />WfIIE�AS, the �a;isting Campreh�nsav� Pian designation is 1$ years old; and, <br />WHEREAS, Diskrict 1 is Pefer�ed to as City C�nter9 and th� descript�or� in th� <br />Camprehensiv� Plan for this distriet states that this off�rs th� �omr�unfty a val�able <br />opPortunity of creaiir�g a strung, vitai, identifyi�� community f�1 paint, It als� statcs that <br />comm�rci�l and rnedi�m density ��sid�n�ial d�v�iopm��� sho�ald be I�ateci i� proxignity to <br />n <br />�Iighway 10, with a d�ge�s� in int�rtsity of vs� �ccurrin� oui`vard fr�m ti�� high`va�r ��ward the <br />lawer densi�y r�siden�zal neighb�rhoads ta th� so�th �d wcs�; �ad, <br />