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CIT�� OF I�[OC7NI)S VIEV� <br />PLAIVNING AND ZONlNG COMMISSION BYLA�N� <br />(Revised as of February 3, 1999) <br />I, EiUTHORITY: The Bylaws of the 1Vlouncfs �liew Planning and Zaning Commission (Bylaws} <br />are established in accordance with the M[ounds View Municipal Code 5ection 401.06. Subd. 7 <br />"The Commission sha11 adopt bylaws for its governance and for tha transac4ion of its business." <br />Where there is a con�lict between the provisions of the Byiaws and the provisions of the City <br />Charter and the Municipal Code, tk�e provisions of the City Charter and the IViunicipal Code shall <br />govem, {For purposes of simpiicity, flte Piannir�g and �onikag Commission may hereinafter be <br />referred to as the Planning Convnission or the Commissior�,} <br />II. �OPTIOIV OF' BYLAW�; REVIEW AND AMENUMENT: <br />A. ADOP�ION AND AIl�ENDMEN'�": The Bylaws shalI be adopted by Resolution by an <br />a�firmative vote of the majority of inembers of tl�e Pianning and Zoning Commission <br />appointed as voting members, and sha.11 be placed on file with the City Clerk- <br />Administrator and the Community Development Department. A capy o�the bylaws sha11 <br />be forwarded to the City Council for its information. flny amendments to the ByIaws shall <br />be adopted by Resolution in the same manner as the original Bylaws. <br />B. ANNUAL REVIEW; The By(aws shall be reviewed on an annual basis at the first regular <br />meeiing af the Cornrriission in February. �� <br />III. NiEMBERSHIi' AND VACANCDES <br />Vacancies on the Planning Commission shail be filled in accordance with the Municipal Code, <br />Section 401.03. The City Council s�} may refer applications for Planning Commission <br />appaintments to the Planning Cammission for recommendations prior to talcing action to fill <br />vacancies. <br />N. OFFiCERS <br />A. OFFICERS NAMED: The officers of the Planning Commission sha11 consist of a <br />chairperson a�d vice-chairperson. The Commission may create and fill such other o:F1'ices <br />from its members, as it nnay deternune, ta transact Commission business. In addition, tl�e <br />Director of Community Development, or his or her desi n�ee� sha11 act as the recording <br />secretary for Yhe Cammission for purpose of preparing meeting mixiutes., <br />B. ELECTIOI�IS; TEI�IS <br />1. Chairperson; �ased upon the recomnnendaiion of the Plannirig Coinmission, ihe Mayor, <br />with the approval of the City Council, shall appoint the chaizperson af the Commissian <br />each year. At the first meeting in Decembar, th� Commission shall conduci an eleciion <br />in order to malce its recommendation for the chairpersan, following the procedure in ,::; <br />