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� <br />I <br />City o£ Mounds View �ebrary 3, 1999 <br />Planning and Zoning Commission � B. laws Page 2 <br />�eciion IV.B.3. The name of the person recommended for chairpecson shali be <br />forwarded to the City Council for action at its first meeiing in January. <br />2. Vice-Chairperson: The Pianning Commissian sha11 elect a vice-chairperson eaci� year at <br />its first meeting in January, foliowing the procedure in Section �V.�.3. <br />3. Eleciion Procedure: For each office, the chairperson sha,11 invite nominations from <br />Planning Commission metnbers. After nonninations have been received, the <br />chairperson shali entertain a motion to close nominations. If such motion is rmade and <br />passed, and more than one nominatian has heen made, Yhe chairpersoc� sha.11 distribute <br />ballots to the Commission mambers and each n�ember shait write his or her selection <br />or� the ballot. The recording secretary shail tally the ballois and announce the nominee <br />receiving tha most votes. In the event of a t�e, the recording secretary sha11 annou.nce <br />the nominees �ied in the voting and ballating shall be repeated until an election occurs. <br />If only one nomination has been received, the chairperson may conduct the voting by <br />voice vote. If a majority of ihe mem6ers present vote in the affirmarive for the <br />nominee, the nominee shall be eiected. <br />�. Assumption af I�uties: The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson sha11 assume office at <br />the firsi meeting in Febraary of each year. <br />5. Ter�n of Office: 'The cha,irperson and vice chairperson sha11 serve one year terens, and <br />may be re-�elected to additional terms in accordance v�th this Section �V.B. <br />C. DUTIES OF �FFICERS: The chairperson sha11 preside over #he meetings of the Planning <br />Commission, and shall have the authority to add ar cancel <br />regular meetings and to call special meetings as pr�vided in Seciion VI. The vice <br />chairperson shall assume the duties of the chairpecson, in the absence of the chai�person <br />V. IIIAISON TO COUNCIL: The City Council shall appoint from among iis members a Liaison to <br />the Commission on an ar�nuai basis. It is e�ecied that the Councii Liaison will attend the <br />Commission meerings on a regular basis. in the eveni of the absence of the Counci! Liaison at a <br />Cofnmission meeting, a Commission member may be appointed by the chairperson to represent <br />the Pianning Commission at the ne� regular City Council meeting ar at the meeting where the <br />City Council will be considering the planning cases acted upon by the Planning Commission in <br />the absence of the Council Liaison. <br />VI. NIEE'TIlVG� <br />A. TYPES OF IvICETIlVGS; SCF�DULE: Tlze meetings of the Commission sha11 be held on <br />the first arid third Wednesday of each month, with tiae annual schedule o� meetings £or the <br />following year to be adopted by R.esolution at the first cneeting in December. <br />1, Regular I�eetings: The Commission's re ular rneetin s shall occur on the first and <br />third Wednesdays of the mantl� for the pc�rpose of <br />