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-z- <br />Commissioner Silvis was interested in the membership of <br />the Jaycees. Mr. Kaiser reported that the �aycees currently <br />have a meRbership of 25. Director Mderson reported that <br />the city was obtaining 300 black walnut and 200green ash <br />seedlings at no cost from the state. Planting of the <br />seedlings would be a good service project for the Jaycees. <br />It was expressed to the Jaycees that there wi11 be additional <br />work to do in the parks. Commissioner Haake extended her <br />appreciztion and thanks to the Jaycees on behalf of the <br />entire Parksand Recreation Comnission. <br />Silver View Director Mderson reviewed the Silver View Park plans and <br />Park Status communications with Kraus/Anderson. Director Anderson asked <br />the Co�nission for input as to the direction for the next <br />move on the Silver View Park land acquisition as pertaining <br />to the negotiations and dealings with Kraus/Anderson. The <br />City has not received the promised grant monies as of this <br />date. Chairperson Burmeister suggested that the City has <br />little bargaining power without the cash in hand. Commissioner <br />Haake suggested that staff open up communications with Kraus/ <br />Anderson with the intent of offering a meeting including the <br />City Council, Planning Cortmiission and Park and Recreation <br />Commission. This rreeting would be held under the assumption <br />that the grant money will be in hand at any given moment. It <br />was suggested that this meeting be held whenever convenient <br />with the intent that the sooner, the better. Also, it was <br />suggested that participants at this meeting would basically <br />listen and hear the ideas of Kraus/Anderson and thus get a <br />better feel for the project. Commissioner Silvis asked <br />whether tha $70,000/acre was a realistic price. It was <br />suggested by Comnissioner Haake that it tended to be a low <br />estimate. Comnissioner Silvis also inquired about possible <br />conde�ation prviceedings. Director Anderson reported that <br />condemiation proceedings would be costly and would take <br />probably a minimum of two years. Condemnation can be appiied <br />to specified land pieces. Director Anderson expressed concern <br />about the pressure which exists because of the deadline for <br />spendin9 grant monies. Commissioner Linke expressed his interest <br />in being present at the negotiations as well as the entire <br />Cortmission. It was suggested that both the City Councit and <br />Park and Recreation Comnission will be encouraged to attend <br />the meeting. Tfie meeting date will tentatively be set for <br />the 3rd Thursday of April, April 19. It is anticipated that <br />the grant money will have arrived by Lhis date. Commissioner <br />Linke inquired whether or not Kraus/Anderson has been informed <br />that the City cannot purchase drainage wasteland. Comnissioner <br />Haake reported that the City's drainage wasteland ordinance <br />had been sent to Kraus/Anderson. <br />Park & Open Director Anderson reviewed the plan which sug;ests that the <br />Space Plan Conmrission incorporate the Co�rehensive Plan under the <br />direction of the Planning Commission with the Park and Open <br />Space Plan as directed by the Parks and Recreation Commission. <br />