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- 3- <br />Park & Open Interviews of possible planning/engineering companies will <br />Space Plan cont. �enLo�rehensive Plannbe9finished�by thet1981hdeadlinet <br />Comnissioner Haake comnented that the Plan will take a lot <br />of work by all the commissioners and staff and will realis- <br />tically take at least one year to complete. <br />Sumrer Brochure Program Supervisor Kvaiheim reviewed the Suimier Activities <br />as planned for 1979. Brochure is expected in the homes by <br />the first week of May. The 1979 Sum�ner brochure is limited <br />to a small budget due to over-spending on the 1979 Winter/ <br />Spring brochure. <br />Edgewood Jr. Director Anderson reviewed a letter written to John Ostlund, <br />High School Comnunity Education Assistant Director. This letter oub <br />lined the 3 phases of outdoor fa:ilities developmentat Edgewood <br />Jr. High. Director Mderson suggesl:ed that Phase 2& 3 he re- <br />scheduled for 1979 rather than 1980. Cormnissioner Kutuvar asked <br />whether the School District has any problems with allocation of <br />$Jiat��hef5choo15District is�very supportiverand dldnnot have Ported <br />proble� with the additional $25,000. Director Anderson <br />suggested that perhaps the present tennis court area could <br />be used for a hard surface multi-purpose area. <br />Comnissioner Haake m3de the motion that the Parks and Recreation <br />Comrrission recomnend that the Lity Council allocate $25>000 <br />as 50% of the City's matching funds for the 1979 comnencement <br />of Phase 2& 3 of the Edgewood Jr. High School outdoor facility <br />joint agreement project with School District N621. Commissioner <br />Linke seconded the motion. hbtion passed. 6 qyes <br />0 Nays <br />Summer Park Director Anderson reviewed the 1979 Park Development projects <br />Construction report. <br />Direc4or A;iderson also suggested that in the future the Parks <br />and RecreaCion Lomnission request that a percentage of the <br />General FuniP be designated and allocated for parks development. <br />This would ensure guaranteed funds in the occasion that the <br />present Park and Playground fund would not provide sufficient <br />monies for auequate park development and maintenance. <br />Commissioner Haake also exgressed concern for the possibility <br />of lack of park development funds tn the future. <br />Director Anderson also suggested that the Commission request <br />that the yearly lakeside Park funds remain in a park develop- <br />ment fund in the occasion that Lakeside Park is adopted by <br />Ra�ey County. <br />