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Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission
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MV Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission
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h�MO T0: City Council and Fbun 'i �& Recreation Coimnissioners <br />mn <br />FROM: Bruce K. Anderson, Par at on & Forestry Director <br />DATE: OcWber 17, 1979 <br />RE: Staff's Reflections of the City Park System <br />As we begin the long and lengthy process of developing the Comprehensive <br />Parks and Open Space System for the residents of Mounds View> I would like to <br />take this opportunity to reflect on � professional recomnendations as to how <br />I envision the devetopment of the park system during the next five to ten years. <br />Two favorite quotes come to mind, the first being: 1. "If a man does not know <br />to which poCt he is sailing, no wind is favorable", SOCRATES. 2. "It is the duty <br />of a Park Commssion to open the way to new, not to follaw old customs; to lead <br />public opinion and nat to tag after it. If it is not prepared to move in advance <br />of the peopte of whose interest it is placed in charge, nothing is more certain . <br />than that after a few years its labors will be regarded very ungratefully and <br />the question will often be asked, "Why could they not have showed a litt7e <br />more foresight and got a little more out of the inherited ruts2" FREDERICK <br />LAW OL�STED. <br />The signiflcance of both these quotes 1s approprlate for any generation <br />as they keynote the responsib111ty whlch public agencles have ta engender the <br />we11 betng of soctety. Foresightness and willtngness to keep pace with the times <br />are essentiel attributes whlch the Park Commission and City Council must possess � <br />if they are to properly guide the development of the Mounds V1ew Parks and � <br />Recreatlon System. <br />In � opinton, the hbunds View Park System is currently on the threshold of <br />determining some major planning objectives which will effect the future of the <br />park system, indeflnitely. My rationale for feeling this strongly is that: <br />1. Contlnued inflation will make 1t lncreasingly difficult to develop and <br />metntatn a park system of any level in the next ten years. <br />2. Stete and Federel funds for park ecquisition and development were reduced <br />by 66% for 1981 and 1 envision this trend W continue in future years. <br />3. The t1�m for estabitshing a good basls of community suppart and lnvolve- <br />�rent is at an all time high 1n Mounds V1ew because of the current <br />
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