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Amended 1/23/91 <br />MOUNDS VIEW ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION <br />BYLAWS <br />AUTHORITY: These Bylaws are established in accordance with City Ordinance 408.07, Subdivision 6. "The Commission shall adopt bylaws for <br />its governance and for the transaction of its business." There shall be no conflict between the Bylaws of this Commission and the provisions of <br />the City Charter and the Municipal Code. <br />11. MEETINGS. The regular meetings of the Commission shall be held on the fourth Thursday of each month as established by resolution of the <br />Economic Development Commission. Regular meetings may be changed, added or canceled by the chairperson or vice -chairperson. Special <br />meetings may be added by the chairperson or vice -chairperson. <br />A. The regular business meeting shall be for the purpose of making recommendations to the Economic Development Authority, <br />herein EDA, conducting public hearings, drafting of reports, and for other discussion not requiring action (ie. vote) by the <br />Commission. <br />B. Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with State Open Meeting laws. <br />III. INFORMATIONAL PACKETS. Each commissioner shall receive an informational planning report for the items that are on the regular meeting <br />agenda no later than the Friday preceding the regular meeting. Each commissioner is responsible for reviewing the material within the packet <br />prior to the regular agenda meeting. <br />