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Mounds View City Council October 11, 1999 <br /> Regular Meeting Page 15 <br /> Carol Prime, President of the New Brighton/Mounds View Chamber of Commerce, stated their <br /> Chamber represented a number of small and mid-sized businesses in Mounds View. She <br /> indicated they are very concerned regarding the proposed increase in the franchise fee, however, <br /> the majority of them also recognize that the quality of the streets and the quality of life in <br /> Mounds View is very important to their success as business owners. <br /> Ms. Prime requested the Council make a sincere effort to insure that the small and mid-sized <br /> business owners receive much notice in regard to the City's future plans. She explained some of <br /> the proposed increases would be very difficult adjustment for the business owners. She <br /> explained that some of these businesses have utility bills of$4,000 to $5,000 per month, and the <br /> present proposal represents an increase of $1,000 to $1,500. She added it was important to <br /> realize that many of these businesses employ a number of people in Mounds View. She noted <br /> they will see an increase on their home utility bills, as well as their business utility bills, and this <br /> represents a difficult issue for them. <br /> Ms. Prime stated most of the businesses are concerned with ongoing tax issues, and recognize <br /> that an increase at this time might indicate an increase again next year, or that what they had <br /> expected to sunset will not, and therefore they are planning for that. She requested the Council <br /> insure that the business owners be informed of the City's plan for the future, and that they <br /> communicate this plan on a regular basis. <br /> Mayor Coughlin commented he would be attending the Chamber function with Mayor Norm <br /> Coleman on Thursday, October 14, and would have the opportunity to speak with people in <br /> regard to this subject at that time. <br /> George Weineke, 2704 NE Highway 10, complimented the Mayor and Council on their hard <br /> work in addressing these difficult issues. He stated he was a small business owner in Mounds <br /> View, and enjoyed conducting his business in the City. He stated small businesses were aware <br /> that things were apt to change, and therefore,budgeted for this. He stated he was certain the City <br /> was aware of these problems years ago, and it was difficult for him to understand why they did <br /> not make some decisions at that time. He stated this was difficult to understand. <br /> Mr. Weineke stated he required water brought onto his property, which cost $21,000, and he did <br /> not request funds from anyone for this purpose, rather, he paid for this expense from his savings. <br /> He commented his parking lot required resurfacing, and again, he paid this $6,000 expense out of <br /> his own pocket. He explained he did not request other people to pay for the services on his <br /> property, and he felt he had an obligation to pay for them himself. He added he had a problem <br /> with the assessment reduction from 50 percent to 25 percent, as he believed people should pay <br /> for what they are using. He stated there always appears to be another increase required to pay <br /> for these services, and this seems to be a never-ending problem. <br /> Mr. Weineke stated that if the current proposal goes forward he would request the funds be <br /> dedicated as indicated, and no other Council be permitted to utilize those funds for any other <br /> purpose, no matter what the emergency. He reiterated this was a difficult decision to make, and <br /> he did not envy the Council in this regard. <br /> Mr. Weineke stated he has been in the insurance business for approximately 20 years, and the <br /> fore-mentioned $10,000 deductible for the City's water truck is shocking to him. He explained <br />