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Mounds View City Council October 11, 1999 <br /> Regular Meeting Page 16 <br /> the City saves nothing in terms of the difference between a $10,000 or $1,000 deductible. He <br /> stated he would like to discuss this matter with the person who made this decision. <br /> Mr. Weineke stated he budgets, small businesses budget, and even large companies budget, <br /> however, government does not seem to be able to comprehend this concept, and he could not <br /> understand this. He remarked this builds a tremendous amount of animosity towards <br /> government. He reiterated that when the funds are set aside for street improvements, they must <br /> not be utilized for any other purpose. <br /> Mayor Coughlin stated he is also a small business owner in the Metropolitan area, and <br /> understands the concept of budgeting. He commented that when he entered into government, he <br /> had a very difficult time understanding this as well. He explained, however, government has <br /> mandates upon it, and pressures from may different directions that business does not. <br /> Mayor Coughlin explained he was going to push for language in this fund creation, which would <br /> outline exactly what these monies are to be utilized for, so that the fund can not be raided, and <br /> any other proposed use of these funds would require a vote of the people. He stated this may <br /> ultimately become the largest pool of money at the City level, and he has seen what the <br /> temptation can be, in terms of borrowing from such sources, however, that is not the purpose of <br /> this fund. He explained the purpose is to attempt to deal with the intra-structure, and if this is a <br /> true, honest, and genuine need, the funds can not be dedicated for any other purpose. He stated <br /> this was his personal goal in the discussion of this issue. <br /> Cam Obert, 8315 Greenwood Drive, inquired if anyone remembered the telephone operated <br /> water meters, or more recently, the Bel Ray, and what occurred in these situations. He stated <br /> that he could not comment on the fact that Mounds View is a home ruled Charter City, because <br /> he is not necessarily in favor of that, however, this is what the City has, and therefore, it must be <br /> abided by. Mr. Obert stated promises were made over a year ago, that things would be different, <br /> and not the way they have always been in the City. He stated the City Charter governs and tells <br /> the Council how to operate the City. He added the Clerk Administrator's job description is <br /> indicated the Charter, and his performance is rated based upon the standards set forth therein. <br /> Mr. Obert stated the residents have been told that public notification is not required for the <br /> passage of an ordinance, and if the public does not like the ordinance, they can petition to have it <br /> overturned. He explained all were aware how difficult a process this is, adding that this matter is <br /> being viewed as "another sneaky, backroom deal," due to the manner in which it has been <br /> handled. He stated he would not even comment on whether or not he is personally in favor of <br /> the proposed fee. <br /> Mayor Coughlin noted this is the purpose of the present public hearing, and he would request <br /> Mr. Obert keep his comments germane to the issue. <br /> Mr. Obert stated he believed his point was very germane, as it has already been brought forward <br /> in a citing of the Charter. He noted the City had also been "backhanded" in terms of the <br /> pedestrian bridge that did not follow through, which was an issue before the previous Council. <br /> He stated the Council owed the community, as a Charter City, at least the courtesy of public <br /> hearings without the three-minute rule, to provide for a free flow and exchange of ideas and <br /> thoughts, and the decision should be based upon this. He explained it may be this Council's <br /> legacy to raise the franchise fee and set money aside for street funds, which is very admirable, <br />