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ITEM #5 <br /> STAFF REPORT NO. 97-2200WS <br /> 4) interoffice <br /> MEMORANDUM <br /> to: Chuck Whiting <br /> from: Lynnette Morgarr).\ <br /> subject: Personnel Policies <br /> date: August 28, 1997 <br /> Currently personnel policies are incorporated in the City Code as well as in the "Administrative <br /> Policy Manual." Those policies which are not in the code were adopted by Resolution or the <br /> City Administrator. The duality of personnel policies has created confusion regarding personnel <br /> procedures and interpretation. <br /> As discussed with Bob Long, several cities have a personnel handbook which serves as their <br /> cities personnel rules and policies thus eliminating the possibility of policy interpretation and <br /> inconsistency. <br /> Staff has revised policies to clarify language and intent, while also including gender neutral <br /> language. Draft policies have be reviewed by Department Heads and the City Administrator. <br /> • The manual is divided into six sections. <br /> The following information is a brief overview of significant changes and newly created policies. <br /> Section 1 <br /> 1.01 Appearance and Dress: appropriate dress and casual day language. <br /> 1.05 Conferences and Seminars: new. <br /> 1.10 Discipline: progressive discipline policy. <br /> 1.20 Drug and Alcohol Testing: workplace testing modified, includes data practices <br /> information. <br /> 1.25 Employee Orientation: condensed. <br /> 1.30 Employee Records and Data Privacy: relates to the Minnesota Data Practices Act <br /> regarding personnel file and public and private information <br /> 1.40 Hiring Policies: general description of the hiring process. <br /> 1.45 Offensive Behavior/Sexual Harassment: modified to includes garity/tennessen warning <br /> and Department Head and employee responsibility. <br /> 1.50 Outside Employment: employee should notify Supervisor, <br /> 1.75 Serving on Boards and Commissions: new <br /> 1.80 Smoking: Police garage non-smoking. <br /> 1.85 Travel Expenses: procedures developed. Airline travel credits policy has the employee <br /> bank the credit and notify the city of the amounted banked. <br /> 01.90 Tuition Reimbursement: condensed. Option of allowing City Administrator to grant an <br /> exception to the $750 limit. <br />