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• Any employee seeking public office within the City shall terminate employment or have an <br /> approved leave of absence prior to filing for such office and comply with the provisions of <br /> Minnesota Statute 211.8. Any employee seeking public office in other than the City, shall not <br /> permit such candidacy for office or performance of the office to interfere with his/her duties with <br /> the City. Campaigning or conduction of other business shall not take place during work time. <br /> The selection shall not be interpreted or enforced in a manner which conflicts with the <br /> provisions of the City Charter and/or laws of the State of Minnesota. <br /> POLICY: PROBATIONARY PERIOD <br /> Approved By: City Code Section: 1.65 <br /> Revision History: 1988, 1997 <br /> New, promoted and otherwise transferred employees are required to successfully complete a <br /> probationary period of not less than six (6) months or one (1) year for Public Works <br /> Maintenance employees. During this time, new and transferred probationary employees <br /> become acquainted with the work assigned to them and can decide whether they wish to <br /> continue their employment in that position. At the same time, the City can decide whether it <br /> wishes to continue to retain the employee in that position. New, probationary employees are <br /> employees at will and may be terminated by the City with or without cause at any time, subject <br /> to the right of veterans. If during the probationary period the City determines that a transferred <br /> 40 probationary employee is not able to adequately perform the duties of the new position, the City <br /> may, as its discretion, reinstate the transferred probationary employee to the position and rate <br /> of pay previously held, with no loss of seniority, subject to the rights of veterans. Probationary <br /> employees do not have the right to grieve employment decisions made concerning them <br /> including termination, subject to the rights of veterans. <br /> During the initial probationary period, but not during a promoted and otherwise transferred <br /> probationary period, an employee will not be paid for any absence from work with the exception <br /> of legal paid holidays. After six months of service, an employee will be entitled to sick leave <br /> and vacation leave to be accrued from the start of probationary employment. Health care and <br /> other benefits shall be according to the terms of the group health policy. <br /> At any time during the probationary period, the employee's Supervisor, may submit a written <br /> report to the City Administrator on observation of the employees work and judgement as to the <br /> employee's willingness and ability to perform duties satisfactorily. Copies of all reports will be <br /> maintained in the employee's personnel file. <br /> The duration of the probational period may be extended in excess of the initial period. <br /> Successful completion of the probationary period does not reflect any right of continued <br /> employment. <br /> • <br />