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Figure 2. Council-Staff Partnership <br /> (To What Degree Is This Partnership Understood, Discussed, and Respected by Councilmembers?) <br /> GOVERNANCE/POLICY PROCESS <br /> ADMINISTRATOR/ 4111 <br /> COUNCIL'S SPHERE 0 A _ MANAGER'S SPHERE <br /> .. <br /> I < ' mi <br /> C N •Staff and <br /> r <br /> munity Y implementation <br /> •Political Factors A continuum/interaction •Performance issues <br /> •Values <br /> •Gratification •Values and expertise <br /> CG A D •Gratification <br /> O <br /> U 0 D M <br /> _ . , N A M M 1 <br /> ,. I M ---_ L I A N . .. ._ . _._. . <br /> L. ' . I S P N N S <br /> S / 0 I A T <br /> S R L S G R <br /> 1 E I '•T E A <br /> 0 S C R---._ M T <br /> I <br /> N U Y A E-.- . 0 <br /> L T N N <br /> T I T <br /> S 0 <br /> N <br /> III <br /> expect periodic feedback on policy re- Figure 3 shows the purpose, typical The fourth arena, community rela- <br /> sults and on possible policy amend- setting, focus, and key characteristics of tions, is becoming more important. It is <br /> ments that may be required. This feed- each arena. All four arenas are essential rapidly transforming the role of the <br /> back can be provided through progress to highly effective councils'fulfillment of council and how it spends its time. <br /> reports, status memos or newsletters, their leadership, policy-making, goal- Communities today are more dependent <br /> and policy reviews. setting,and empowering responsibilities. upon sophisticated alliances and part- <br /> A highly effective council will hold at nerships among groups,both public and <br /> Allocate Council least one goal-setting retreat or "ad- private entities. Jurisdictions are subject <br /> 7 <br /> Time and Energy Vance" annually. It also will hold two to multiple, profound changes in how <br /> Appropriately study sessions monthly, usually between public officials operate.Today, the corn- <br /> regularly scheduled public hearings. munity arena requires more time spent <br /> Councils, like other teams, play in a Here. councilmembers will confer with in interactions outside city hall and puts <br /> number of settings or arenas to achieve staff and other experts on significant greater time pressure on mayors and <br /> overall, peak performance. There are items under consideration that will councilmembers. <br />• <br /> four council-staff arenas,and each must eventually require official actions. <br /> be appreciated for its purpose and for its While these meetings should be open Set Clear Rules <br /> contribution to a council's effectiveness: to the public as observers, the public -_r -im and Procedures <br /> should not participate in the council- - x�' - for Couneii <br /> • Goal setting(retreats or"advances"). staff dialogue. Many councils short- "? <br /> • Exploration and analysis(study change this arena, pushing the opportu- Meetings <br /> sessions). airy for learning into the formal public Council meetings exist for the purpose <br /> • Disposition/legislation (regular pub- hearing, which is not designed to pro- of doing the council s business. Litera- <br /> lic meetings). mote much in-depth analysis of complex ture on how to conduct effective and <br /> • Community relations (interactions issues.The arena of disposition/legislation productive meetings specifies the need . <br /> with constituents and with other is designed to get to a vote, not to pro- for an adherence to clearly defined rules <br /> agencies). mote careful analysis of complex issues. and procedures. <br /> PUBLIC MANAGEMENT <br />