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Mounds View City Council AP Page 4 <br /> Regular Meeting October 24, 1994 <br /> but one tenant did not want to move. None of the repairs have <br /> been done and the landlord has since rented out the three <br /> vacancies. <br /> Samantha Orduno added that there are currently 10 children <br /> under the age of 10 living in this fourplex with no heat. <br /> Efforts have been made to work out an arrangement with NSP, <br /> however, this does involve a significant amount of money. The <br /> court requires proof that the City has made an attempt for the <br /> landlord to "make it right, " before an abatement order will be <br /> issued certifying the amount of repairs on to the taxes. <br /> Orduno expressed the importance of Council to authorize Staff <br /> to move as quickly as possible on those items that are in the <br /> Abatement Order and to pursue any avenues possible to get the <br /> Order amended to take care of plumbing problems and recently <br /> broken windows. The Abatement Order will be sought from a <br /> public safety standpoint. <br /> Councilmember Trude suggested the City request the courts <br /> consider adding a "catch all" to provide the ability to <br /> include all repairs that involve safety issues. <br /> • Linke commented that, for an abatement through the court, an <br /> approval for a specific amount is not required. Staff will be <br /> dealing with getting the best bids possible. <br /> A. MOTION/SECOND: Trude/Blanchard to Set Public Hearing for 7 : 05 <br /> p.m. , Monday, December 12, 1994 to Consider Certification of <br /> Delinquent Utility Bills, Tree Removal Charges and Weed <br /> Removal Invoices to Ramsey County for Collection with 1995 <br /> Property Taxes <br /> VOTE: 5 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried. <br /> B. MOTION/SECOND: Blanchard/Trude to Authorize Staff to Proceed <br /> with Abatement of Property at 7618 Edgewood Drive <br /> VOTE: 5 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br /> RESIDENTS REQUESTS AND COMMENTS FROM THE FLOOR: <br /> Duane McCarty, 8060 Long Lake Road, offered that recently the City <br /> Council had an informational meeting with the Metropolitan Airports <br /> Commission (MAC) which he was unable to attend. He asked the <br /> Council what MAC intended to do with the facilities and what their <br /> time frame was, specifically for load bearing strengths on the <br /> • runways and precision instrument landing systems. <br />