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1976-06-23 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1976-06-23 PC Minutes
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-7- <br />' tda, Haake aske~l for further a~mmants tr•om the Commiasion. <br />~ Mr. Ptaakeben stated that he is coneerned that the buildir.;; wao not <br />deaigned oxiginally for an elementary or seoondary school and thay du <br />not h¢ve adequate playground facilitiea, etc. The reaeon they <br />went tn 75 wae beesuae Hillview wRS betn~5 u~ed for recese aotivi.tiea. <br />He would be relaotant to inarease 1;!-~~~t, kSut he has heard so mnny <br />good commenta on the school he would hato co not allow them to groto. <br />He felt tha~ they had a good representation from the r~eighborhood <br />ae to what ie happGning. He d.oesn~t know whttt they ahou],d do at this <br />point. <br />14r. Fedor stated that Mr. htaakeben covered hio thoughte, too. They <br />have an exaellent scriool and ib is an asset ~o Bhe aommunity. But ar. <br />inarease would be too qreat an impact for tne area. <br />tdr. Olazer etated that he thi.nks the are very worthwhile <br />but ha would vote no on it. This increase is inc~nslstent with the <br />aingle family nei~rhbarhood and peaor. and quieti ia deteriorating very <br />repldiy. <br />~4s. Burmeiater atated that she, too, ie concerned with tl~e impaat. <br />She could~along with an increase, very limit•ed For a few more. 25 or <br />3Q more atudents would n~t make that much difference. The trian~l.e <br />would also be incorporated inCo a play area. <br />Ne. Blanc:~ard atated that we could inorease it maybe 25-30 etudents. <br />But there would have to ue aur~ie rngulationa aet d.own se to whe~ goes <br />on outei3o the building, busing to parke, etc. and a Simit on the <br />evening services.- <br />e~Ir, Fos~ stated that he feels the seune raay. With the children ~roperly <br />,,~°~ supervloed to the piaygrounds, it meet~ tt:e req~iZz~ementa of tha stete. <br />~~ He ie in favor of lifting the elementary students to approximaCely <br />120 students, with the that they would not hold any <br />lata evening serviaes to diarupt the neighbora. <br />Mr. Truskowski stated that when he moved into the area the ch~xrch wns <br />tl:ere and he felt it was an aeset end it made him feel safer. This <br />change is a draetia ehanp,e for the short length oF time that the Center <br />hac been there. <br />Mr. Fosm otated that the purpose of the CPnter ia to improve people'r~. <br />livas. <br />MSP (flurmeieter~-Blanehard) that wc deny Compaeaion Ohx~istian Center <br />the requeet that tho oacupanay of the eduentinnal atructure shq11 be <br />regulated by the applicable etandards af tha atabe buildln~; code aa <br />applie~ to elementary and secondary achnu2s, appllcable regulati.ons <br />of the state 1'ire marstirsll, and other euch reasonable regulations ae <br />m3/ ba deemed neceasary by the city of fdounds View Yox~ tha proteation <br />of the health, safety and vrelfare of the occu~ants, and whioh <br />reP,ulatlone are genorally applicable to aehools of this type in the <br />city af t+lounds View. Thie, wou7.d increase the enro].lment poseibilities <br />to 32d and ~ince it is not built as an elementary achool ib does not <br />have bhe facllities for the studenta as far as open space end this <br />may create an undesirable impact on the neiphborhond viitir that many <br />poasible atudents Sn the school, 6 ayes <br />_ 1 nay(Foss <br />~..o <br />
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