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1977-07-20 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1977-07-20 PC Minutes
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~10- <br />Ca:nmiseion Member Fedor otated he wo~~id like to make the City CounQil <br />/"'~ware thaC with thie being the giret PUDr 8 lower zoning than R-0 would <br />.eep the City in a bettor bargaining p~eition in the future, <br />DBIVF-IN AN~ CUNVENIENCE FOOD PROPOSAL FOR 2741 HIGHNAY 10 FOR JAMES <br />REFRIGERATIOK <br />C,hairperson Haake informed Mr. James and his attorney, Stuart (3ale, <br />thet the court reporter preeent with Mr. Gale would not be allowad ta <br />take minutea of tlie diacusaion ae the City provided their own recording <br />secretary. Mr. Gale replied that he wanted the court reporter to take <br />minutce o.f the meeting ae he wanted an exact recar.d af wliat was said. <br />Councilmember Baumgartner stated that the City At~ornay, 2iichard Ma~~era, <br />lyad adviaed the City not to allow court raportars whan ther.e was a <br />oity rr~cordiny secretary present. Chairperson Hzake told Mr, Gale <br />h~ cou3d either dismias his court reporter or cancel the discuseian of <br />the pr~posal. for Jamea Refrigeration. Mr. Gale requoated a recees to <br />confar with his aliont,. A five minute recesa was granted. <br />At the reawnption oP the me~etinq, Mr. Gale stated th~t he did not foel <br />the ~i.ty recording secretary wae acceptahle but in the intareet of moving <br />tha proposal along, ho wonld diamias hie court repor.ter and procead <br />with ttie meeting. <br />Offic±al Fose reported thgt the applicant, Charlee James uf James <br />Refrigeration,proposea to develop a convenience food estabiishment <br />.t the aorner of llighway 10 and Aed Oak Drive. mho Cumprehensive <br />dlan Land Use Map denotes the land to be developed as hiyh denaity <br />reaidontial. The,present zoning is Highway Buainess, 8-3. A 8-3 <br />! Conditianel ^ae Pexmit allowe a faat food or convanience fno~9 sa~abliehment. <br />The bu1131ng would be 1900 square feet and would be approxltnately <br />40 x 46' Eronting Hi~hway 10. The building would be locnted 69' from <br />the Red Oak right-o£-~~:ay and 59' from Highway 10 zight-of-way (a 30° <br />minimu.T is requirad). <br />The applicant has grovided 69 parking apaoee, while the code requ~rement <br />is one spaca for every 15 squara feet less 10 percent. This would <br />amount to 17.4 spaces. Aftor camparing parking at Perkins, McDOnaide, <br />and Arbys, the 64 spaces appear to bo adequate. Howaver, a vartance <br />or codo change would be needed. <br />The daueloper has proposed a private service drive Eor the parcol oR <br />lend. Accesa would be off of Red Oak Drive and Nighway 10. The aystem <br />would aerve the proposea food estaqlishmant as well aa the exiating <br />uae (Crown Auto) and an additional use not yet proposed. <br />The curb cut proposed for Red Oak Drive is 26'. A varlance would be <br />•required since 22' is maximum. However, the roqaeat tor the variance <br />is reasonable and has been given in the paot. <br />^he proposal pr.ovides for n minimum 15' green area on both eide~ of the <br />,~ot fronting tha road. The code requirea 15'. <br />
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