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-9- <br />~ <br />~ M3P (Heake-aurmeieter) to recammend to Council approval of the conaepr <br />,~"~lan Eor the Northcrest Park devaloYmant as pteeentad io the Planning <br />]ommtasian. The reasrvation the Planning Commiseion hae ie tha many <br />--curb cute th~t are f~ropobefl on County Road F1-2 and that perhape ~hey <br />could be minimized, it ie also tha Planning Commiseion's underatanding <br />ttiat rhere will bo a full public hearing nn the conoeptual pian and <br />that cons±derati.on will be given to the op4hions o£ the many residenta <br />alung County Road H-2 during the Council's deliberations.l <br />. <br />A roll vall vote was tiakana <br />Commiesion Member Foe~e - aye <br />Commlasion Memhor Blanch~r.d - aye <br />Commisaion Member Burmeieter - ayo <br />Chaizparaon Haake - aye <br />Commieaion Member Glazar - nay ' <br />Camniesion Memher Fedor - nay <br />Commisoton Membar Mackeben - aye <br />Commission Member Eepper - eye 6 ayes <br />2 naye <br />Commi.enion Member Glazer etated I~e £elt there were problems with tha <br />in+tensity of the R-0 zoning f~r the area ao4th of County Road H-2~ <br />and it wae far too intense to be immediately next to singl.e family areas. <br />Commiseicn MemhPr aurmeister atated that she agreed with Commiasion <br />Member Glazer concerning the problems of the intennltiy af ;~ie zoning. <br />^.haiLpert~on Haake staked that ahe also agreed with Commisaion Member <br />;lazer'e commente. ~ <br />Ccemmioeion ldembor Lepper asked how anything could be approvad by the <br />Planning Qommiaeion without knowing what was to l~e developed. Chair- <br />peraon Haake replied that that ie what PUD ia, a plan without a dePinite <br />d~'velopment set to takP place. <br />Councilmember Baumyartner stated that you have to etart som~where and <br />Ceammieeion Member Burme.iater etated that the idea is being approved <br />eo that tdr. Beim could gu ahead and make definite plane for the <br />developmEnt. <br />Commission Member Fedor augaested that before going too ~~ar aheaC with <br />the plana, thaE the R-~0 zoninq should be looked into. Coqncilmember <br />Baumgaztner asked whet Commisaion Member Fedor Eelt it ahauld Ue if <br />not R-0, and Commiaelon t•Sember Fedor replied it sliould ba, at the very <br />moot, R-3. <br />Commission MembPr Glazer stated r.hat the city would be in a much better <br />position if chey added lowar denaity. Commisaion Member *'edor stated <br />that if the area on H-2 dis3 end up to b:~ x-3,xoning the middle area <br />industrial wuuld be a bad idea, Commiesion Member Burmoleter polnted <br />auC tnat zoning the area R~-3 would involve more curb cute than R^D. <br />..rommisai.on Member Glazer otated tha~ he hacl H problem with R-0 in that. <br />t wae £ar too intense for a aingle family neighborhood. Howovor, he <br />~ound the rest oE the plan acceptable. <br />