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-I1- <br />Alonq the rear lot line bordering reeidential propeLtios the propoeal <br />~!~rovidea 9tl' wlth tk~e use of existing amenities to ocreen the R-1 <br />ropertias (cnde rec~uiras minimum 20'). ~P1ie Btatf recommende that a <br />minimum 6' fence also be provided along the zaar lot adjoining the <br />R-1 propertiea. <br />x 5' green area has been provided along tha eaet property line abutting <br />an undevelopAd commorcial lot. The cocie requires a 5' minimurn. <br />The Staff recommends thak if approved, variancee would be required for <br />a rel_+,ef of 50 parking spauas and a relief of 4' far the ausb cut. <br />C:~a1.r.peroon Naeke e+tal•ed that if the cnde req~i;~r~.5 only a?2' curb <br />cut, she felt that 26' would be much bettar. <br />~anmiaei.on Member eurmeieter aeked how far the property line ie from <br />tiillview 22o~d. Offiiual Aose replic:d that it is 11.65'. Commiasion <br />tdember aur.meieter then atated that she was cor.cerned that stacking <br />problems wou13 occur due to the heavy traffic at the Red Oak Drive <br />and Highway 10 inCersa~tior,.. <br />Cem~nission Membet Zepper. asked if there was any way for the proposed <br />drive-in ta have the curb cut on Hillview rather than Red Oak Drive. <br />Offiolal %ose reglied that there was a problem in coming out on Hillview <br />as ln coming outt on Aed Oak Drive. The Staf~ check.ed the area and <br />found that there was not much stacking on Red Oak Dzive. Chairperson <br />-~Haake and Commiseion Members Blanclzard and Fedor stated. that they felt <br />here definitel.y was a stacking problem thPre at timea, especially duxing <br />~che rush houre. <br />Commiesi~n Member Zepper pointed out that Red Oak Drive ie propoeed to <br />become an intersection batween the prop~eed new Highway 10 and Silver <br />L~ke P.oad. The City haR expressed opposition to the concept but that <br />does not mean that it will not happen. <br />Mr, Charles James stated that he would like to explain his involvement <br />witilxthe proposal. Ha stated that he had purchased the pro~eriy in <br />1970 and that• as a condition to his purcl~ase, he had to be guaranteed <br />that the property was zoned s-3 and that a letter was provided him <br />from the City of Mounds View, dated 7/13/70, from the City Admiaistrator, <br />etating that the propc~rty wae'rezoned under orclinance 152 to 8-3. <br />He, upon receipt r~f the letter, completed the purchase of the prop.::ty. <br />Mr. James etated that he had developed Crown Auto next to the proposed <br />lnaatton. <br />61r, Jamee atat;ad that rogarding the accoss ontta Red Oak Drive, he had <br />euxvey'ed the property l~x correlation to t::o plat p].an and that the <br />prosent traffic counts indicate there are nearly 30,900 care per day <br />going through the intereeotion on H19hway 10, and that the figures <br />shoul9 drop once new Highway 10 goea through. Also, the count taken <br />on Silver Lake Road waa 3400 cars per day in the area of Miseiseippi <br />Street, and that ae tha traftic progreeses nnrth, the count droYe <br />oneidcrably, lu 975 st Red Uak Driva. Alao, he felt thet there ie <br />a other point to make the exit other than Aed Oak Drive. However, he <br />'"has allowed f.or stacking on the property itself. <br />