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1977-07-20 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1977-07-20 PC Minutes
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-12- <br />Official Roee polnted out that the CiCy ie £acad wi,th that same prnblem <br />~~,imo and time agairi and that one of the. most .important thtngs to keep <br />:n mind is that the C±ty muet have accege to allbuildinys for the fire <br />" and police departments. <br />Commieeion Member Burmeigter aeker] •ah~re th~: trafEla count came from. <br />Mr. Jamea repliad that the figures came from Mn/DOT and that thoy were <br />from 1974 and were the most recent figuras ava.ilable, and th~t Mn/DOT <br />had kold him thooe Eigurea ohould be compounded 12 percent per year. <br />Commission Member Burmelstar stated that ehe wae sure the fic~ures <br />Mara ncaurr.t~ in 1979 b~~t thet a great d.ea1 0£ development had gone <br />in the past thrae yeare and tha figures were very autdaced. <br />Mr. James stated that once new Highway 10 ia, Lhe truf£ic on o1d <br />Highway 30 will decrease measurably. Commiasion Member Glzzer etated <br />that this was not true, that Mn/DOT told the City to not expect <br />the traffic to dxop on Highw~y 10 once L•he new Highway 10 was puC <br />through. <br />Mr. Jamea introduced b1r. Paul riisso, who i.s thQ owner-operator oE the <br />propose3 pra~erty. <br />Mr. Riseo gave h1s backyround ot having worked for Howard Johnaon for <br />18 yearo, Allied Stvres for 8 yoare, Daytons for'8 yeara and that Is~ <br />had just recently left Perkins to start h,is own buainess. He stated <br />'~+:hat his rsalaurant was to be a family restaurant and would not be <br />erving liquor, and that }is hae a brand new concept in reataurants <br />-that he helieses w:.11 he aucccsssful. <br />t4r. Risso staY.ed that he would like to clariPy hia propoegd rantaurant <br />being called a drive-in and convenience fo~d establiahment. He <br />axpla3ned that the definition oE convenienc:a food is anytlt±ng t:hat has <br />been altared, and that all food mu~t be altered in some mannar when <br />served in a restaurant. Ae for the driva-in, it ia actually to lbe <br />a dxi~~a-throuqh, where cuatomers will pull up to an intercom and order <br />their food and then drive through to a window where they will pick it <br />up, nnd thon drive out it. <br />He also stated that he wouid not be serving fast foods and that a7.1 <br />foode would be prepared fresh on the premises daily, with the only <br />exception being that he wauld be purchaeing Erozen fish ae Ereeh Eis11 <br />wae tao expensive to fly in. <br />mhe restaurant would,be designed to emit warmth and a family oriented <br />ntmosphare. It would be immaculately kept up and an attendant will <br />be seeigned +o patrol the lot at onca every half hour. <br />tio pick up any litter and to watch over it, and someone else wauld be <br />a9eig~n.=d to tha same task inside. <br />Mt. itieso etated !ze would~operate the restaurant and that hie son-in-law <br />would be tha nighL manager. Their propoaed hours would be 11 AM to il PM, <br />r perhape 12 PM en aeekenils. They would not ellow loitering at all~ <br />.`~nd would cooper~te 100 percent with the police. <br />
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