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1977-07-20 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1977-07-20 PC Minutes
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_13_ <br />t All equipment Eor the building would be anviranmentally eound. The <br />~'"`~etaurant would provide seating £or 75 to 80 patrons. <br />~ tn roference to the traffic, Mr. Riaeo stated that a etudy done by <br />the National xestaurant Aeaociation ehnwe that the average car bringn <br />~ 3 people to a raetaurant and that he expects approximately 180 oare <br />per day and that they will serve 400 people per day, including the <br />'i driva-throuqh aervice, thus resultiny in approximately 15 cere per <br />~ haur enterinq and extting the reataurant parking lot. <br />Mr. Riseo intreduce~ Mr. Charlea Novak, architect of the building. <br />Mr. N~vak atated thet there would be etacking provided for approximately <br />two or three care before receivinq ordera. <br />The plan ia for a 6avarian chalet typa exter.ior, to Le call.ed Burg~r <br />Tower. The tower itself will have clocks on it. Tkie ronf iu to bo <br />oE gabol. dasign and wi.ll allaw ail the heating aad air condit.ioning <br />equipment to be put into it, thus sliminating it fr~m view from the <br />outside of the buildinq. <br />The interior will use a good deal of natural i.ic?~t. The concept <br />calls for a nounter for self service and then seating. All areas of <br />the building would be accesaible to thc+ handiuapped. <br />Commiseion Member Fosa asked what peroentage o£ the people would Ue <br />going through the drive-through as compared to boing seated. Mr. <br />Risao replled that he oxpected 20 percent tq go thzouch the drive- <br />hzough, with 80 percent coming inside for seating. ]#lso, with those <br />~--khat do go through the drive-through, it has been his e:cperienr.e that <br />they then leave the premiaes and take the food elsewhere and d~ not <br />park in 4;he lot and eat it there. <br />Commieaion Member Eurmeister asked Mr. Risso if ha was affiliated <br />wit}t another Eurger Tower. Mr. Rieao replied that he was not, that <br />this would L•e ~he firsc Burger Tower. <br />Mr. Gale atated thak. if it were to become a problem with drive-through <br />customera reraaining on tha premisea to eat Lheir food, signa would be <br />posted prohibitin4 conaumption ofi food in the parking lot. <br />Chairpereon Haake stated that tite main problem was thr~ Red Oak Drivo <br />exit and that problam altiould k~e Eocused ~~pon. <br />CommiRSion Member Zepper asked what type of a menu would be offered <br />so as not to make i+_ another McDanald's. Mr. Riesa said there woulci <br />be Havarian chicken, roast beef, ham, hamburgera, German franks, <br />french fries, nnion rings and home-made cookies on the menu. <br />f~fficial Rose reported that the reason there may have been confusion <br />about the type of reatauran~ it vrould be was that it had to be classlfied <br />a conven3ence food eatablishment beaanea of the type of uteneil uaed <br />i,;x se:rving the food, i.e., the ~omparison to MeDOnald's <br />~~ <br />
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